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We have been doing this thing for couple months now. It's starting to feel like a routine by now. Fly to a place, take Martinus' hand, smile, let him take pictures, walk in to the hotel, give Martinus a kiss, go to your room, let go of Martinus' hand, either yell at each other or laugh with each other. That last part depends on Martinus' mood.

Currently I'm waiting backstage for the boys to finish their concert. Martinus has been in a good mood and we have been laughing together with him and Marcus. These days are nice and I really enjoy them.

But then there's days completely opposite of these. Those are the days you just don't talk to Martinus unless you're Marcus and not even him always.

Most of the days Martinus is in a bad mood. It's making me worried because his mood has been getting worse all the time. The good days are rare nowadays. Every time me and Marcus do something together Martinus seems to get in a bad mood.

Me and Marcus have been getting closer and lately we have been really close. I might even say we have a little thing going on.

"That went so well!" I say giving each of the twins a hug.

"Thank you Jenny." Martinus says smiling. As I said, this is one of the good days. We are in Poland and it's so beautiful here.

"Can we go explore the city? It's night so there isn't that much people out." I ask the boys and their dad.

"No I'm too tired." Marcus says yawning. I give in and just nod. We go to the doors and I take Martinus' hand. I look at him and he nods and we walk out.

There's some girls outside, not that much so the boys take pictures with them before we go to the car.

"Hey Jenny, wanna watch a movie with me when we get to the hotel?" Marcus asks sitting next to me.

"Yes of course." I smile. I look at Martinus who sits on my other side. He is rolling his eyes and scrolling through his phone. I sigh and turn my head back to Marcus.

"What are we going to watch?" I ask Marcus.

"I don't know, we can decide when we get there. Hey Martinus would you like to join us?" Marcus asks looking at his brother.

"No thank you. I don't wanna see you two being all cuddly and end up sucking each other's faces off." He says without even raising his head.

Marcus raises his eyebrow and I just shrug my shoulders. Well there goes that good mood.

Me and Marcus are laying on the bed watching a movie. I'm in his arms resting my head on his. Martinus is in the other room doing something I don't even know.

I feel myself getting more and more sleepy. My eyes are getting heavier and not staying open.

"You sleepy?" Marcus asks. I just nod and yawn. Marcus turns the movie off and puts the laptop on the night stand.

"Go change so we can go to sleep." He says kissing the back of my ear. I just smile and get up. I take a pair of shorts and a t-shirt from my suitcase and go to the bathroom.

When I get back Marcus has already changed and he's under the covers. I climb in next to him.

"Should you go check up on Martinus?" I ask quietly.

"Why?" Marcus mumbles.

"Because he's your brother and he isn't in a good mood so just in case." I look him in the eyes.

"Anything for you I guess." He sighs and goes to the other room. I hear some faint noises from there and some not-so-faint noises, Martinus is yelling.

After a while Marcus comes back and bangs the door closed.

"So how did it go?" I ask.

"Umm pretty well." Marcus says and comes back under the covers. I can tell he isn't telling me everything.

"I don't believe you, what did he say?" I ask again.

"We'll talk tomorrow, goodnight Jens." Marcus gives a quick kiss on my forehead and closes his eyes. I raise my eyebrow but decide to start sleeping too.

I wake up due the sunlight coming through the curtains. Marcus is still asleep. Today we're going to another country. Germany.

I have been there once before, and that was with the boys like a month ago. It was so beautiful there.

"Good morning." I hear Marcus whisper to my ear.

"Morning Marcus." I smile. I get up and change my clothes. We have to leave in an hour. I pack my stuff and knock on the other door.

"Martinus are you up?" I ask through it. No answer. Oh well. I guess he just doesn't wanna talk to me.

After a while he comes to my room with his suitcase all packed.

"Ready?" He asks. I nod. Marcus comes after him and we go down. Now the not so fun thing. I grab Martinus' hand and walk out with him.

Some fans are smiling at me, some look like they're judging me and some are just focused on Marcus and Martinus. I squeeze Martinus' hand a bit harder so he would realize that I'm not comfortable here.

No, I still haven't gotten used to the fans.

Finally we go to the car and start driving to the airport.

Him. // Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now