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It's about 10pm right now and I'm still at the Gunnarsens'. Im gonna spend the night here because we're all leaving for tour tomorrow. I didn't even bother telling my dad.

I'm sitting on the couch and playing with Emma. She's the cutest little girl I know and maybe she will make this all a little more bearable. The only downside is that she won't be coming everywhere with us.

The tour begins in Oslo, then we go to Stockholm and Helsinki and after that London I think. It's kinda cool that the twins famous and get to perform all over Europe but the fame has gotten to their head.

"Jenny you're not focusing!" Emma complains.

"Sorry Emma I was just thinking." I say and start playing with her again.

We've been playing for a while when Emma has to go to bed. I tuck her in and close the door quietly.

I turn around and see Martinus standing inches always from me. I stumble backwards and hit my head on the wall.

"Jesus Christ Martinus what is wrong with you?" I ask irritated.

"Nothing, I just need to talk to you, come." he takes my hand leading us outside on the backyard terrace. I sit down and Martinus sits opposite me.

"Jenny, I'm sorry for everything I did." Martinus says after a minute of silence.

"Seriously? You think that a simple 'sorry' will cover it? No. You hurt me and took advantage of me. I was actually happy for the first time in so long, I thought you were too but I was wrong, all that just for a sick and twisted joke. You're just a bully, fuckboy and a bully." I say and get up to leave but Martinus takes my hand.

"Hey I know what I did was wrong, I only realized it after I watched what it did to you. I realized I had made you happy and took it away from you, and it was sick and twisted. I know, I'm sorry. Let me prove to you that I'm worthy of your forgiveness." he says.

"How will I know that this isn't another one of your pranks?" I ask.

"You just need to trust me. I promise, it's not a prank, not a dare nor anything."

"I just want to know that was the dare what you and Marcus were talking about? That the dare would be on for two weeks?" I ask looking him straight in the eyes. Martinus bites his lip.

"Yea, I'm sorry. Just please give me another chance and I'll prove to you that I'm a good person." he pleads. I sigh. I guess I'll have to.

"Okay, but it's gonna take time for me to trust you again. And this does not mean I forgive you it means you have to prove that you're worthy of it." I finally give in. Martinus squeals of excitement and hugs me.

"Thank you, you won't regret this!" he says and we walk inside. What is going on inside his head?

We go to the kitchen and eat something before going to bed. I'm not really hungry but I don't wanna be rude.

I get up from the table and thank Gerd-Anne. Then I help her clean the table and I go to my room. I get changed and lay down under the covers.

"Good night Jenny." Martinus whispers from the door. I decide not to answer. I'm too tired to move my mouth. Martinus closes the door and I shut my eyes.

Tomorrow is going to be interesting.

Him. // Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now