Lets Have fun..

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After being out of the policestation and going back to our normal lives, papa has stopped drinking and stopped  being stupid.
We got our normal lives back...except I'm a werewolf..Who is this Zach they speak of ? I know he's Aph's dad but what did he actually do? Anyways it simbreak! We have no classes for 2-3 weeks! Yeah! But I need I know something. I walked over to my brothers house to see mama and papa sitting on the table.

"Mama? Papa? I thought you guys were on a business trip?." I was a little confused.

"(Nickname)!! Come...we need to speak to you.." She

"What is it??." I ask.

"Zach is free...running around..so I want you to be safe." Papa said


"Come on let's go!!" Garroth yelled.

Mama pushed me to the car. My brothers were there to. I wonder where we are going. We then stopped at a parking lit which at the end of the car was the woods. Are they gonna murder me?

"Come on kids." Mama and papa run to the woods.

"No..I won't go..are you going to kill me?!?." I react

"No...come on!." Garroth pushed me

Garroth and Zane held my arms and they dragged me. I closed my eyes.

"Its just a dream...its just a dream..." I murmur to myself and begin to tear up.

"Y/n?? Y/n!! Stop crying sweety." Mama hugged me.

"Its just a dream...its all a lie right?." I let them hear.

"No...its reality." Papa said.
I sat next to them and we began to eat. I heard water... The sounds of water and relaxation. I stood up and walked away. I then saw a lake surrounded by beautiful flowers. I sat there and listened to nature. I light be acting like Vylad now...but its actually relaxing.

"Y/n?? What are you doing here?." A boy with black hair and eyes appeared. It was Aaron.

"Family outing...and I ended up here." I said as I hugged him in relief.

Then we heard a voice.

"Ultimas...." The voice said.

"Who are you!." Aaron growled as he turned into a werewolf.

"Havent Garte told you?." He came closer. He had black hair and dark brown eyes.

"Zach." We both growled as our eyes turned blood red.

"What do you want!." I shout.

"The ultimas...Aaron Lycan and Y/n Ro'maeve... And its such a coincidence to see you here.." He said evily.

My family then came. Papa stood in front of us and the rest stayed behind us.

"Zach! Stay away from these kids!." Papa shouted.

"I will...for now..but I will return with an old friend.." He disappeared.

Silence surrounded us. Then papa spoke.

"Why did you walk away like that? Without no word!." Papa turned to me in anger.

"Papa I'm so sorry I didn't mea--- " papa slapped me before I could finish. His slap left a mark , I was on the ground trying to fight the pain.

"Y/n!!." They shout except for papa.

"What the hay man!." Aaron turned to me and helped me up. I got angry and I remembered how Garroth got angry at me.

"That's why I never liked you..." I murmur.

"What did you say?." Papa asked.

"I said that's why I never liked you! You are just like Garroth! That's why you never understand your children and thats how Garroth got it! He got it from you!!." I yell.

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