Glimpse of Cerebro

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We disappeared into the lower levels of the school and Charles rolled into chamber where they kept Cerebro. He placed on the strange silver hat with tubes connected to it. I thought he looked a little strange but then again I think all HUMANS do.

Logan lit a cigar and began to smoke it. I rolled my eyes and thumped my head against his leg before I pushed forward, my wings plastered against my side. Logan followed and began puffing smoke which I still hated.

"Logan my tolerance for your smoking in the mansion are withstanding but continue smoking that in here and you will spend the rest of your days thinking that you're a six year old girl," threatened the Professor.

I chuckled and pushed ahead of Logan toward the Professor.

"You can do that," asked Logan as he took the cigar from his mouth.

"I'll have Jean braid your hair," the Professor called over his shoulders and I chuckled in amusement.

"I'd also have a part in that, just to let you know," I told Logan with eyes lighting in amusement.

He took the still lighted cigar and pushed it into his hand. Pain showed on his face and I saw his skin begin to burn. Once he had officially put it out he placed the cigar into his pocket. I watched his hand heal and I flicked my tail over my back.

"Should we go," asked Logan as he was about to turn.

"No just stand still," ordered the Professor as he closed his eyes. The door of Cerebro closed and I felt a jolt rush up my spine. I stood very still with Logan standing next to me.

I saw light begin to show. They were white and they were bustling about. I used my incredible hearing sense to hear them talking and laughing. "What are those," asked Logan as he motioned to a few of the lights.

"Those are humans," replied the Professor and suddenly red lights appeared. They rushed around even faster and I growled a bit but Logan lowered a hand to stroke my bristling spine. "And these are mutants."

"Do you think you can track the mutant that attacked the president," I wondered as I pushed forward a bit. I didn't want to get too close in case that broke his concentration.

"Through Cerebro we're connected," he explained. "See we're not as alone as you may thing." I realized how many mutants there were. I saw a patchy line and I saw a that the mutant had finally stopped. I brightened and the room went back to normal.

"I need you to read my mind again," begged Logan and I spun on him.

"No," I snapped and to my luck the Professor seemed to agree with me.

"The results will the same," the Professor confessed and I flicked my tail. "The mind can not always be open."

He sighed a bit and I pushed against him. However the Professor wasn't finished with us.

"I was wondering if you could watch the children," he asked hopefully as he wheeled toward the entrance. "And you Starlight the pups in case of an emergency."

Logan didn't answer and neither did I but we both knew we would. I sniffed and scented Logan place the cigar back in his mouth and light it. I rolled my eyes and snorted. "Unbelievable."

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