La Playlist Dell'Aruani

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Aruani Playlist🌸1) Palette by IU fT G

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Aruani Playlist🌸
1) Palette by IU fT G. Dragon
2) I Hate U, I Love U by Gnash
3) Skyfall by Adele
4) Clarity by Zedd ft Foxes
5) Love Game by Lady Gaga
6) Human by Christina Perri
7) Everytime We Touch by Cascada
8) The Harold Song by Kesha
9) Sweat Weather by Alyson Stoner
10) World Tour by Lee Hi ft Mino
11) We Don't Talk Anymore by Charlie Puth ft Selena Gomez
12) Blood, Sweat and Teaser by BTS
13) Lalala Song by Babylon ft Chungha

Aruani la storia dell'amore impossibile!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora