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Chapter 2- Background

As I sit in language bored out of my mind because the first day of school is usually so boring.

My mind starts to drift to my past well I really don't know about my past because I don't remember anything that happened when I was twelve or younger,wonder why?

Well I do remember living with Burt and Amy (mom and dad) since I was thirteen but that's all I got. But I also no that ever since I turned fourteen I was getting beat by Burt almost every night and Amy would not doing anything just sit in her room and listen to my cries of pain. lately the beating are getting worse and worse and I can't do anything about it because if I get cause Burt will kill me.

Finally the bell rings. Time to head to reading I guess. when I get in there the only seat left is next to this boy with dark brown hair and green eyes.

"Hey" he says to me as I sit down

"Hey" I say back

"I'm Jason and you are."

"I'm Blare,are you new here cause I haven't seen you before."

"Yeah just moved here from Chicago."

"Oh cool so how you liking California." I ask

"Its great here and I think I just made a new friend so even better."he says to me which cause me to blush a little.

"So we friends" Jason asks me

I smile a little and reply "sure why not."

That's when the teacher walks in and starts to talk I zone out again till I hear her mention some of the books we will be reading this year "class we will be reading the Divergent series,Hunger Games series and the Fault in our stars." I almost scream with excitement cause Divergent and Hunger Games are my all time favorite books but I haven't read the Fault in our stars so I will have to wait and see for that one.

The bell rings a while later. quickly wave a good bye to Jason and hurry out the room to head to science.

I walk in and see my two best friends.

"Hey Blare, how has the day been going for you cause I have had a great day so far all my teachers are nice and I met this really cute boy named Leo." Emily says to me. I laugh because this girl loves to talk "well let's just say I met this super hot guys and now we are friends." I say with a smile. "OMG!! you have to tell us who this is your first crush Blare it's a big deal" Zoey says I just laugh again and they just look at me like I've gone mad. I calm down a bit finally being able to talk "fine is name is..." I get cut off by the teacher walking in but Zoey and Emily just sends me that 'tell me everything later' look and I just nod my head.

Science and social studies fly by and I still haven't told my friends who Jason is yet.

As me Zoey and Emily walk into the fine arts hallway we look for the choir room cause we all want to do choir since we love to sing.

As we sit down Zoey looks at me very seriously and says "now tell us or we will force it out of you." I have to restrain a laugh but it's really hard,finally when I contain my self I say "fine is name is Jason he is in my reading class he has dark brown hair and green eyes." "aaaaahhhhh" Zoey and Emily say together "you to sound perfect for each other." I just sigh and say "guys calm down we are just friends." "for now" Zoey says while wiggling her eye brows.

Choir and lunch go's by fast too.Finally it's gym, did I mention I am very athletic I do track,soccer,basketball,and volley ball I might even cheer a little bit but that's Emily's thing, both Emily and Zoey are just as athletic as me.

Once I'm done changing I run to the gym and start to stretch but soon I'm joined with Jason.

"Hey,didn't know you had this class." I say

"Yeah didn't know you had it either."

"So do you play any sports?" Jason asks

"Yes I do, I do track,soccer,basketball, and volley ball and I might cheer a little." I say and he looks impressed

"What about you." I ask

"Well I do football,track,basketball and lacrosse." Jason says back.

The whistle blows and we go to the coach but Zoey comes up to me and say "was that him you were talking to." I just nod with a smile on my face.

"So class today we are running a mile so 4 laps around the track." Coach says

4 Laps simple

"If you want to run at the front, if you want to walk at the back." Coach says

I walk up to the front yet again to be joined by Jason

"bet you five bucks that I can beat you." Jason challenges.

"Your on." I say back with a smile

What he doesn't know is that I have been running track for 3 years.

Coach blows the whistle and were off I am ahead so far.

By the third lap Jason is looking tired but I still haven't broke a sweat.

By the last lap I am still winning but Jason is right on my heels so at the last couple feet I push harder and pass the finish line with even panting. Jason comes a little while after that but it's clear I won.

"Pay up." I hold out my hand to him

"" he says trying to catch his breath.

I laugh and say "I've been doing track for

3 years."

"Wow, I've only been doing if for 1 years."

I laugh again and he gives me my 5$ and I smile then skip away to my besties.

Math went by fast and finally the day is over but my terroir waits at home.

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