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Chapter 13- Coincidence

"So mom we wanted to ask you a question."

Jason says

"What is it honey." Jason's mom says with a sweet smile

"Umm we want to know.... more about what happened with dad's death." Jason says a little tense.

Jason's mom freezes a little and says "why is it a project or something."

Jason looks at me as to ask for permission to tell her about my childhood memory block, I just shake my head softly in response.

"Ok well Blare can't remember anything under the age of twelve and I don't think it just a coincidence." Jason says, well the last part kind of surprises me cause of course I wasn't kidnapped. Right?

"Is this true Blare?" Jason's mom asks me.

"Umm yes but I think it's just a coincidence I don't think I would have been kidnapped maybe it's just that I probarly hit my head when I was a kid and had a serous case of amnesia." I say forcing out a little laugh

Jason gives me a look and his mom just laughs lightly.

"Ok what do you want to know about the accident." Jason's mom says to use

"Umm do you know the parents names that had the kid." I ask

"Um know they refused to give there names but they did give there last names but I can't remember what it is, I think it's in one of the files in my office."

"Ok thanks mom." Jason says

We start to head to his mom's office

When we get there Jason says "do you really think it's a coincidence?"

"I don't know this is just very confusing." I say.

He just nods his head and starts rummaging though the many files that is all on a shelf.

"Jason really your mad I don't understand all this kidnapping shit it's really confusing to me right now and I just need you to understand that."

"Ok I'm sorry it's just that I didn't understand how you are even not considering the fact you are kidnapped." Jason says

"Seriously Jason I can't believe you are saying that because first of all I am and second of all how would you feel if you practically go through a beating every day and all of a sudden you find out you where kidnapped." I say tears streaming down my face.

"Oh my Blare I'm so sorry it probarly was a coincidence." Jason says while coming to me and giving me a hug

"Plus just know I'm always there for you." he says again while wiping my tears.

Instead of responding I just give him a kiss and it turns out to be a mini make out session.

When we pull apart I look at the time and realize it's getting late and I should go.

"Hey Jason I got to go."

"Ok, I'll text you if I find anything ok."


"Bye love you." I say

"Love you too." he says giving me one last kiss.

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I'm just about to hop in my bed and call it a day till I see I got a txt from Jason

J- I found the last names of the parents

B-really who?!

J- umm the Crothers

B-ok we can do some research on them anther time but I'm tired so I'm going to bed goodnight.


When I turn off my phone and my head hits the pillow I can't help but think about the last name and how maybe it may link to my lost memory's.

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