Girl Time

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Chapter 25-

A week has gone by since we visited Susie's house. The week has been long and tiring and it feels like I'm starting to give up. Emily and Zoe have been very worried about me lately that's rides they can be have to tell them what's going on but I don't want to burden them with my issues. So today I decided to have a sleepover at that I can be with my two best friends and hope that my distract me. So I pulled out my phone and text,

B- hey guys

E- hey Blare

Z- what's up

B- sleepover at my house tonight


E- um... YES!!

B- k lol c u guys in a bit

Z- bye

E- bye

I shut of my phone and flop back on my bed that's when I realize how truly tired I am with work at the vets and let me tell you it's not easy but all the animals are super sweet and Jason's mom is the best but it's really tiring because I also have school and even worse Burt has been just terrible since he can't beat me right now he finds other ways to make my life a living hell like once he told me I can't have dinner and in the morning he told me I couldn't have breakfast so I was starving and on our way to school Jason had to buy me something to eat.

But the one good thing is at I get to get rid of this stupid cast tomorrow.

So I close my eyes so I can get at least a 5 min nap before Emily, and Zoey come.


"Blare....Blare." I hear someone say but I don't open my eyes

"Do you think she's dead." anther voice says

"No of course not." voice one says

So finally I decide to open my eyes and when I do I see Zoey and Emily hunched over looking at me I look at the time and I see it's already 9 o'clock my eyes go wide I slept for 1 hour, longer than I had meant to so I look at Emily and Zoey and say "how long have you two been here."

"Since 8:30." Zoey says calmly

"Why didn't you wake me up then!" I exclaim

"You looked so peaceful we didn't want to wake you." Emily says

"Who let you in?" I ask

"Amy, by the way where's Burt?" Emily asks

"He on a business trip." I answer

"Oh, so what do you guys want to do." Zoey says

"Let's talk about boys!" Exclaims Emily

"Ok so Emily do u have a special boy in your life." I gushed and Emily couldn't stop the huge smile creeping on her lips.

"OMG!!! Emily you do don't!!" Zoey screams

"Ok fine his name is Leo and he his super sweet and we have only gone on one date it's no big deal." Emily says the smile on her face getting bigger.

"OMG yes it is a big deal, maybe me you Jason and Leo should double date." I say

"Yes that's a great idea." Emily says

"So Zoey what about you." Emily says smirking at Zoey

Zoey blushes a deep red and me and Emily both laugh.

"So who's the lucky fellow?" I say

"He new to school he just moved here from England and he is so handsome and his accent is so sexy it's unbelievable." Zoey says sighing

"So you to are going out?" Emily asks

"I wish." Zoey exclaims

I laugh and ask "what's his name?"

"Jared." she answers

"Oh cool and if you to did start going out we can go on like a treble date!" I say almost shouting

"OMG YES!!!" Emily says

We all laugh at our selfs. All of a sudden I start wondering if I should tell them what's been going on lately so after a little debate with myself I finally decide to tell them.

"Guys I have something to tell you guys."

"What is it Blare?" Emily says seeing the way my face turned serious

"OMG are you ok Blare, did Jason do anything to you." Zoey says

I shake my head rapidly and say "No Jason didn't do anything."

"Then what is it?" Emily asks looking concerned now.

Let's get this over with I guess.

So I start to explain everything from the time Jason told the story of his dad to the day we went to Susie's house.

When I was finished they stare at me stunned.

"So Amy and Burt probably aren't your real parents." Zoey whisper yells

I nod my head and then Emily says "that's weird that the presidents daughter got kidnapped around the same time."

"That's what I said." I say

"Can we help?" Zoey says

"Of course you guys can help and I just want to say you two are the best friends in the world." I say sincerely

"Thanks now let's watch a movie." Zoey says

Me and Emily nod our heads so we all head out to the living room and by that time Amy was already asleep.

"So what movie do you guys want to watch." I say flipping through Netflix

"Um how about Mean Girls." Zoey suggests

"Sure, why not." Emily agreed so I select Mean Girls and we start to watch the movie.

That's how the rest of our night went gossiping, watching movies, talking, and laughing till we finally fell asleep.

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