Can You Believe This

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Chapter 14- Can You Believe This

I woke up to my alarm and realize I have school today.

"Uuuugggg." I say to my self

I get up and go take a shower when I come out a look in the shopping bags I still haven't put away. I decide to wear a pair of skinny blue jeans and white tank top I then put on a dark purple cut off shirt that has the word 'Sup' in white letters on the shirt. I then put on my dark purple flats.

I grab my stuff and head down stairs. I don't see Amy and Burt anywhere so there probarly sleeping so I leave a note saying I left to go to school.

I go outside and jump in my car and head to school. Once I get there I am greeted by Emily and Zoey.

"So how did your date go." Zoey asks

I laugh and answer "why so nosey but anyways it went fine."

We al laugh and head to are first period.

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I get to second period and I see Jason there

But he is talking to Brook.

I sneak up behind them so I can here what there are saying.

"So Jason want to hang out some time." Brook says

"No I have a girlfriend." Jason responds

"Oh she doesn't have to know and plus what do you see in Blare she is not half as pretty as me." Brook says

Wow that hit a soft spot

"Brook stop Blare is not pretty she is beautiful and she is way better than you will ever be." Jason says with a little rage in his eyes

I decide it's the time to come out from hiding so when I do I say

"Well of course I would have found out." and to prove a point to her I smash my lips against Jason's. When we pull apart I turn to her and smirk and she just stomps of mad.

"Oh my gosh Blare I am so sorry." Jason says to me

"Why are you sorry, you didn't do anything it was that bitch Brook." I say giving him a warm smile

In response he just gives me a kiss on the cheek and smiles.

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I head to choir and when I see Zoey I burst out laughing.

"It's not funny." she fake pouts

"Oh yes it is, how the heck did you get dress coded." I say

"Well I was walking to second period when a lady stops me and says my shorts are way to short for school so she sent me in the principle's office and then the principle gave me the hideous shorts." this time me and Emily both burst out laughing

"Can you believe that, dress coding me for the stupidest reason."

I laugh and Emily says "if I remember correctly your shorts were way to short like if they were any shorter you could have seen butt."

I laugh even harder and Zoey just sends us a glare and I laugh a little harder.

As we walk to P.E. I decide to tell Emily and Zoey about what happened in second period

"Can you believe this well Brook has some nerve to go and talk to Jason and ask him on a date just thank God that Jason told that girl off." I say laughing at the choice of words I used.

"Oh no she didn't." Zoey says

"Oh yes she did." I say back and then we both start to laugh at how weird we are

"Well can you believe this well you know how I was talking about a boy named Leo at the beginning of the year well he asked me out." Emily says

We both look at her and Zoey speaks first


"Today in 1 period." Emily says a little in a daze

"Wow." is all I can get out

Once we get to PE and finished dressing out the coach says we are playing doge ball.


coach screams

This will be interesting.

"You chose first." Jason says to me

"Zoey." I say cause I know Zoey has deadly good aim

"Caden." Jason says

"Emily." I say

It went on and on from there.

When we finally get set up A guy on Jason's team throws the first ball but Zoey grabs it and the guys out. l laugh to my self.

The game go's on till it's just me and Zoey verses Jason.

Jason throws the ball and it hits Zoey in the leg and she sighs in frustration then Jason throws anther ball and it hits be right in the face and all of a sudden I see black.

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When I wake up I realize I am in the nurses office and Jason is sitting next to me worried as heck.

"Hey." I mumble out

"Oh good your awake, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you so hard."

"It's ok I have been through worse."

"It's not ok I hurt you." Jason says

"Hey don't worry about it I'm fine all I need you to do is help me up." I say to him with a small smile

He helps me up and I ask " so what happened after I passed out."

"Well let's just say your friends were beyond mad and I get detention after school today."

Laugh and say "so what period am I going to."

"Um the day is going to end In like 10min so you can either go to class or go hang in the hallway."

"I'm going to hang out in the hallway." I say

"Ok I'll go with you then."

Me and Jason just hang out in the halls and when the bell rings I say good bye to Jason and head to my car to go home.

Once I get to my car I realize how weird today was. But the best part is that they forgot my second detention cause the teacher forgot to right it down. Yah!

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