What Happened

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Chapter 18- What Happened

I wake up to a lot of beeping and 4 faces.

"Hhhheeeeyyyy." I say my voice scratchy.

"Oh gosh Blare what happened." Emily says.

I then realize the 4 faces as Jason,Emily,Zoey,and Mia.

"Um I don't really know cause one minute I was on my phone and the next minute I see a truck speeding toward me and then now I'm here." I say trying to remember the details

Jason just shakes his head and says "its all my fault I should have called you later."

"It's not your fault, you didn't know I was driving." I say giving him a small smile but before he can answer a nurse walks in.

"Good your awake." the nurse says

"So does she have any injuries?" Jason asks

"She has a minor concussion and her left arm is broken." the nurse say

Oh no wonder why my left arm feels numb.

"Your mom is on the way." the nurse says and then a look of worry crosses my face.

"Why are you worried." Mia asks

I turn to her and say "oh nothing just worried about what she will say." I say half lying cause I am worried what she will say but at the same time I really don't care what Amy says I'm more worried about what Burt says.

"Ok I will be leaving but if you need anything just press the red button that is on the side of the bed." The nurse says and then she leaves.

"Umm Blare this might be a bad time to tell you but...." Zoey says

"Just spit it out." I say not being able stand not knowing anymore

"Well let's just say that your car is crushed." Zoey says

"WHAT, HOW!!! I scream

"Well when the truck hit your car it flipped over all crushed then somebody else who was driving and saw what happened pulled over and ran to your car and you then he pulled you out and drove you to the hospital." Emily explains

"Oh but who was the guy that brought me here." I ask

"We don't know he just brought you here and handed you off to the nurses.'' Zoey says

I just grunt and turn to Jason "My dad will kill me."

"No he won't, I won't let him do that to you." Jason says

"What are you guys talking about." Mia says clearly confused.

"Oh nothing." I mutter

"But you just said....." but she gets cut off by Amy coming into the room

"Blare! What happened?" she says rushing toward me.

'Oh now you care.' I say in my head

"I was driving my phone rang, I answered it and next thing you know I see a truck rushing toward me and then I end up here." I say suddenly breath less

"Oh my gosh." She says

"Where's dad?" I ask

"Where's your car?" she asks

Oh no

"Umm my car got crushed." I mutter

"WHAT!! Your dad will not be happy." Amy says

"I know but where is he." I ask again

"Well he is out of town but he will be back tomorrow." Amy says and then I breath with relief.

"But that doesn't mean he won't find out." Amy says

I wince a little and then she says "Well I'm going to go sign the discharge papers so we can go home."

And with that she walks out so I turn to Em and Zo and say "What am I going to do?"

"I don't know Blare I'm sorry." Emily says and then tears start running down her cheek

"Me either Blare I'm...." But Zoey doesn't get to finish when she starts to cry with Emily.

Then I turn to Jason and he has a really guilty look on his face.

"Jason it's not your fault please stop thinking it's your fault." I say

"Ok....ok it's just I feel like I should have been smarter." Jason says


Oh yeah forgot she was here.

"Well let's just say I'm in a lot of trouble." I say

Then Amy walks back in and throws be a jeans and a white t-shirt.

"Go get dressed so we can take you to go get your cast." She says

I get up and walk to the bathroom and change.

Once I come out I wave to my friends then walk out the door with my mom.

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