Here We Go Again

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Chapter 26-

I wake up and take a deep breath knowing today is the day that me and Jason are going to the real Crothers.

I get off my bed and go take a shower. Once I got out of the shower I put on a pair of blue jeans shorts and a white floral top, I slip on my white flats and look in the mirror and I decided to curl my hair wanting to look good for if we actually do see the Crothers.

I go down the stairs once I finished curling my hair and I saw Burt and Amy sitting at the table eating breakfast. "hello Mom, Dad." I say almost choking on the words mom and dad.

"What do you want now." Burt spits out

"Nothing just wanted to tell you that I'm going to work." I say lying

"But I thought you only work on week days." Amy says

"Yeah but this is extra time." I say

"Ok have a good time." Amy says

I just nod my head and grabbed a banana walking out the door.

As I stand outside I text Jason telling him that I'm ready and he can come get me.

A couple minutes later Jason pulls up on my drive way so I head over to his car and hop in the passenger seat.

Once I had my seatbelt on I turned to Jason giving him a small smile and he returns the smile while taking my hand in his.

We start to drive in a silence but not a awkward one a comfortable silence.


We pull up onto the drive way of this 2- story house.

"So this is the address?" I ask

"Yeah." Jason says looking at the paper with the address on it again.

"Ok here we go again." I say stepping out of the car

Jason gets out of the car and come meets me by my side and holds my hand.

We reach the door and I ring the door bell.

The door opens and a little girl around 5 or 6 is standing there.

"Who are you people?" the little girl asks

"Well my name is Blare and that is Jason." I say crouching down so I'm about the same height as her

"Hi Brare and Jadon." The little girls says and I couldn't help but laugh at her cuteness

"It's Blare and Jason but never mind that are your parents home." I ask

She nods her head to my question so I say "can you go get them."

She nods again but this time running into the house yelling mommy.

A minute later a middle aged woman with dirty blonde hair comes to the door with the little girl.

"Hello, what can I go for you too?" she asks

"Oh um we just wanted ask you something." I say

"Oh ok, come in and we can talk." The lady says

"My name is Candice and this little trouble maker here is Lily." Candice says

"What are your names" Candice asks

But before we could answer Lily beat us too it

"That's Brare and Jadon!"

Candice laughs and looks at us indicating to say are names.

"I'm Blare and that is Jason." I say pointing to Jason

Candice kinda freezes once she hears my name but she quickly covers it up makes her way to her living room which she tells us we can take a seat.

Once we all are seated with me sitting next to Jason and Candice sitting across from us and Lily on the floor playing with her toys.

"So what did you guys want to ask me." Candice says

"Did you use to live at this address." Jason says while handing her the address of the house we first went to a week ago

Candice looks at the paper then looks back at us and says "Yes I did, why?"

"Was there a kidnapping of a child there some years ago." Jason says again

Man is it just me or does Jason sound like he is investigating a murder or something.

"Yes there was... it was my niece." Candice says wiping a couple tears from her eyes

I gasp and Candice looks at me eyeing me up and down and finally says "she was just 12 and someone came knocked me and my husband out and when we woke up she was gone and there was just cops everywhere and they haven't found her since."

"What was her name?" Jason asks

"Blare." Candice says

I gasp again going into shock of what I just heard.

Candice turns to me and says "You look like what she would look like if she was your age,do you remember or anything strange about your life?"

I finally come out of shock and say "um well I can't remember any of my life 12 years and younger."

And it's Candice's turn to gasp and she says "BLARE ITS YOU... ITS YOU...OH MY GOSH ITS REALLY YOU BLARE!!" she screams and I just sit there stunned

"Told you Blare." Jason says kissing my cheek

I smile at him and give him a quick kiss on the lips.

I turn to Candice and she says "but how did you find me."

I tell her the story of about Jason's dad and about how we did research and how we went to the other persons house and finally getting here.

"Oh ok but tell me about the people who kidnapped you."

I take a deep breath and I begin to tell her who Burt is and how he beats me, how I got into a car accident and my punishment, I tell her about Amy and everything else I can think about them.

"Oh my gosh Blare I'm so sorry you should have never have had to go through all that stuff that's just terrible and when my husband comes back we will call the cops and report them both about everything." Candice says

"Can I ask you a question." I say

"Sure sweetie."

"Are you and your husband my mom and dad?"

"Oh No sweetie we are your aunt and uncle you were just staying with us for a little bit because your parents were busy doing something."

"So two more questions." I say smiling at my aunt

She laughs and nods her head.

"So what is Lily to me." I say glancing at the child who fell asleep awhile ago on my aunts lap.

"Lily is your cousin because she is my child but you do have a sister her name is Julie and she is the same age as Lily, 5."

I nod my head smiling at the thought of a little sister.

I then ask my next question "So if you aren't my mom and dad who are?"

Candice smiles widely and says "Do you know President Rodger and First Lady Pam."

"Yeah what about them." I say

"Well they are your parents!" Candice says with the biggest smile on her face.

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