Back To School

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Chapter 20- Back To School

I wake up and go take a shower since I have a water proof cast. Once I come out I pick out a pair of jeans and and a sky blue v-neck short sleeve shirt with my blue converse.

I brush my hair and keep it down not wanting the struggle of putting it in a pony tail with just one hand.

I run down stairs and grab a muffin about to head out when I remember I don't have a car. Oh Gosh.

Amy walks out of her room so I ask "Can you give me a ride to school please?"

"Let's go... but I'm not doing it again."

'Well thanks I really didn't want a ride from you in the first place but I have no choice so yeah' I wanted to say but instead I say "thank you."

The car ride is uneventful and I don't intend to make it eventful.

We finally pull up to the school so I say bye to Amy and grab my stuff and head to my locker.

I reach my locker and see Em and Zo standing there waiting for me.

"Hey guys." I say

"Hey." Em says

"Why a black cast." Zo says with a smile

"Cause black go's with everything duh." I say

Emily just laughs.

Then we see Mia walking toward us.

"Hey M." Zo says

"Hey, nice cast Blare but why black."

"That's what I said." Zoey exclaims

We all laugh and then we see..... Stephanie!

Stephanie is the most popular girl In the school, like everyone likes her and she is really nice. Her and Brook use to be like inseparable and now they like hate each other cause apparently Brook started acting like a Bitch to her so Stephanie stopped being friends with her.

"Hey Blare, I heard what happened to you, are you alright." Stephanie says with a sweet smile.

Anther thing about Stephanie is that she knows almost everything that is going on.

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks for asking." I say smiling back

"Your Welcome." Stephanie says

"I got to go bye." Stephanie says walking off

"Yeah guys we better get going to." Mia says

"Yeah." Em says

"Bye guys see you later." I say walking off to first period.

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I am heading out side of the school waiting for Amy to come pick me up when Jason comes running to me.

"Did you get my text last night." He asks

"Yeah but I fell asleep." I say

"It's ok." he says kissing me on the cheek

I smile and say "so what was that all about."

"Oh yeah well I tracked down the Crothers and I found out where they live so we're going to go to there house this weekend and talk to them." Jason says

"But wouldn't you know be like.... stalking." I say

"I don't know but we have to go." Jason says

"Oh well Amy will be here in a bit so you better go before she catches us." I say looking around

"Ok but first..." Jason says but gets cut off my kissing me.

When we break apart I can't help blushing.

"Ok bye Blare love you." Jason says

"Bye love you too." I say

As soon as Jason walks off I see Amy pull up so I start to walk to her car but I can't help feel excited that we are going to meet the Crothers.

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