Family Reunion, Maybe?!

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Chapter 24- Reunion

The door opens and a middle aged women with dark almost black hair was standing there.

"Can I help you." The lady says

"Um...Um." I stammer not knowing what to say

"Well I'm Jason and This is Blare and we just have a couple questons." Jason says for me

The lady looks at us both then smiles.

"Would you like to come in." She asks

I just nod my head still not being able to talk.

She continues to smile and opens the door wider for us to walk in.

We walk in and the smell of cookies hits me immediately.

"Would you too like some cookies." The lady says

I nod my head rapidly and she laughs and leads us to the living room.

"Why don't you guys take a seat while I go get the cookies." she says smiling sweetly

When she walks off Jason turns to me and laughs.

"It's not funny." I say pouting

"I don't know what to say." I continue

Once he stopped laughing he said "ok fine I will talk must of the time."

"Thank you." I say

Then the lady comes back with a tray of cookies. she puts the cookies down and I instantly grab one and once I take a bite I groan as I taste the chocolate chips melt in my mouth.

"OMG this is so good." I say

"Well Thank You but you said you guys had some questions, oh where are my manners my name is Susie." Susie said

"Yes we do."

Susie takes a seat and says "what are those question."

"Well about 4 year ago was there a kidnapping here." Jason says

Susie stays quite for a while thinking and then she says "Yes but those people moved out awhile ago."

"Oh.....So the people who was here when there was a kidnapping moved out." I say

"Yes, Why" Susie says

"Umm School Project." Jason lies

"Oh ok but I do happen to know where they moved to." Susie says

"YOU DO!!!" Me and Jason say at the same time

"Yes I do would you like the address." Susie says while laughing

"Yes,Yes,Yes." I say

"Ok let me go get it and you guys can have a look around." Susie says heading to the kitchen

I stand up and start walking around letting my hand graze the furniture and stuff.

"So....Do you remember this place at all?" Jason asks

"No....No I don't." I say quietly

Just then Susie walks back into the room and hands a slip of paper to Jason.

"Is that all." Susie asks

"Yes and thank you so much." I say and me Jason stand up and we start to head to the door.

As we reach the door I turn back around and look at Susie and say "Thank You, We really appreciate your help, bye."

"Your Very Welcome Bye." Susie says

We open the door and leave as we walk to the car I let out a long and heavy sigh.

"What the matter?" Jason asks putting his arm around my waist

"I felt like it was a total waste and we might never find the Crothers!"

"Hey Hey Hey Blare it wasn't for nothing because we got the new address and we will find them and get the truth Alright."

"Alright." I say

"You know I love you right." Jason says

"I know and I love you too." I say and we share a kiss.

We both enter the car and drive off and I look at the house one final time seeing if I can remember even one thing but I don't so I look away.

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