Chapter XIIII

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     "I'll be right back, Elle

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     "I'll be right back, Elle. I just need to get something from the car. You can go ahead and shift while you're here." Kim said as she walked back to car.
    Noveno wanted me to be familiar with the territory, so he asked Kim to go farther out and show me everything.  I decided it was best to do it in wolf form because honestly I was barely used to shifting. I hadent done it again since my first shift two days before and Erie wasn't okay with that.

    I pulled my clothes off and focused on my wolf, like Noveno showed me. Shutting my eyes tight I waited for the pain. There was barely any as I felt four paws land heavily on the ground.  I shook out my fur and stretched.
  Being in wolf form was like being in the body of your twin. It felt almost the same, but it still wasn't you.

  Kim walked back in her wolf form. Kim's wolf's name was Sol. She was a copper and white color and she had pretty dark eyes. 
   She walked up to me and mindlinked, "Ready?"
I nodded. 
That's another thing I haven't figured out yet.  Mindlinking. Others could mindlink me, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't mindlink back.Even Erie could do it. But not me. It was annoying. Especially when Noveno has too say something he doesn't want me to hear. 

     Kim took off running and I followed close behind.  As we went she told me about the different landmarks in the territory that help you figure out where you are.  We passed a small lake that was exactly a half mile from the territory.  A broken tree with owls nesting in it was another quarter mile west.

    I scanned the area as we ran through,  noticing things I wouldn't have in human form. My eyes caught a blurry brown creature run across the path next to us.

"Rabbit!" Erie cried. She took over instantly and excitedly chased the rabbit.

"Elle! Come back!" I heard Kim say through the mindlink. I struggled to gain control, but Erie wasn't cooperating.  She made us follow the rabbit until it disappeared down a burrow. 

   Disappointed,  she gave me control again. I sighed turning back the way we came.  But I didn't remeber the way we came. I barked,  hoping Kim would find me. She didn't come.  I repeatedly barked, each time getting more desperate. She should have been close enough to mind link me.

   I tried mindlinking her myself until my brain almost imploded. I barked and ran at the same time,  my vision blurring from the tears that welled up. I didn't even notice something was I  front of me until I hit it. It was firm, but it wasn't a tree. I blinked the tears away and looked up. 

   It was a wolf. Dark grey with acid yellow eyes.  He seemed to grin at me before I felt a sharp pain in my neck. 

    I feel to the ground. I was so tired,  but I didnt want to sleep,  I wanted to get up and run.  But that dull tired feeling took over me, until my vision dotted with black spots.


     Within 15 minutes of Elle and Kim leaving, I knew something was wrong

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    Within 15 minutes of Elle and Kim leaving, I knew something was wrong. The minute I felt pain, I ran out of my office and out the front door. I shifted as I ran, catching myself on all fours. 

I tried mindlinking Kim,  but her response came breathy and jagged,  as if she was fighting.  I ran faster, mindlinking Parker to gather the guards.

    I breathed the air,  separating the mingled scents. I found Elle and Kim's, but also others. They were almost perfectly masked.  Almost. Kim would never have been able to pick up the scents. If she had,  she wouldn't have risked going further. 

   After another minute of running,  Landon Parker and 10 others, all in wolf form, feel into place behind me.

     We stopped when we came across a particularly potent scented clearing. 

I gave direction to disperse and my pack members obliged. We followed scents untill a bark sounded.  I went over to the sound and found Kim on the ground, her fur bloody and matted.

Nova, I'm so sorry. There were so many, they flanked us and I-

I silenced her over the mindlink.

It's okay, Kim. You did your best. But now you need to get back. 

But, Elle is still out there. 

Don't worry. I'll find her.  And kill whoever took her from me.

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