Chapter XXXIII

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Noveno's POV

  "He wants this land more than anything. I didn't realize what he was willing to do to get it until it was too late." Travis said, his eyes distant.

  "Elle mentioned her mother. She's imprisoned at Blood Water." I state.

  Travis' eyes widened. "Bea is alive? That. . how?"

"You didn't know?" I questioned, my suspicion rising.

"No. I swear to the Goddess I didn't. Trenton only let two other pack members into the cells. I'm not one of them."

"Why wouldn't he trust his own brother with that information?" I asked.

"He always knew I cared about Bea like a sister. I wouldn't have stayed if I knew he-." Travis paused, stuck in his own disbelief.

  "You can think about your brothers betrayal later. Right now, the safety of my entire pack is at stake. What is Trenton planning?"

  Travis breathed to calm himself.

"A full frontal attack. Trenton has been collecting and training rouges for years. He exploits their need to be part of the pack and in return they give him unwavering loyalty. They'd do anything to stay a part of the pack. I wouldn't doubt it if he kicked them all out anyway after they do what he needs."

"How many does he have?'

"I can't tell you the exact count, but I know they at least double your packs numbers. Most of them were omegas, so they're not nearly as strong, but they've got plenty of motivation to win. I'm not sure a diplomatic approach is possible."

"I'm aware." I huffed. "My father has agreed to provide a few extra hands in the fight. They're strong, but rusty. I'm not sure it'll be enough." 

  "It'll have to be." Travis states bluntly. "When Trenton discovers I'm missing and took a captive with me, he won't hesitate. I hate to spring this on you, but he could attack at any minute. He's more on edge and paranoid than I've ever seen him. Ethics and morals are out the window. Don't expect him to play fair anymore."

"Trust me I won't. But I have a plan." 

    Rally the fighters. Keep those who can't fight as far away from it as possible. I linked to Parker and Landon.

"What plan?" Travis asked.

  "I don't trust you nearly enough to reveal that."

Travis nodded. "Of course. Just know that anything I can do to help, I will."

"I'm sure."

  I stood walking over to the door.

"Stay here. I'll have guards escort you to the barracks."

I stepped out of the room, walking down the hall back towards the bedroom.

  "Get Travis to the barracks please." I told the gurads posted at the door.

  They sounded a conjoined 'yes, alpha' before heading off.

  Quielty, I opened the door. Elle was still tucked in bed, fast asleep. I hated to wake her, but I had to.

I rubbed a hand gently over her arm.

"Elle? Wake up for me, baby."

She stired, her eyes opening slight. Her lids were heavy and I could tell she needed more sleep.

"We have to go." I said.

"Go where?" She asked, her voice raspy.

  "Somewhere safe. Trust me."

She nodded, getting up quickly. She dug through the closet for her shoes then straightened herself.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready." She replied.

Elle's POV

Was I ready?

  Noveno lead me to the safe house far away from the house where the rest of the pack was. It didn't feel right to be there.

  I was the Luna. I should be there alongside him. Fighting.

Shouldn't I?

Unlike me, Erie knew exactly what to do. Almost instinctively she took to comforting the worried pack members and helping organize everyone.

  "Elle!" A voice called.

I looked up to see Lilly walking towards me.

"Lilly!" I called back, meeting her halfway.

"Landon told us everything. Is it true? Is mom. . ."

"Yes, Lilly. She's alive. Hopefully we can get her to safety as soon as possible. Right now I need you to help me. Everyone is nervous right now." I said, glancing over the fidgeting crowd.

"I'm not sure I'll be much help. Just a week ago I was a part the of the pack their fighting now. Let's find Kim, I'm sure she'll be a much bigger help."

"Lilly, Kim is-"

"Mad as hell."

I turned to see a slightly bruised Kim behind me.

Without thinking I hugged her, but pulled back when she groaned in pain.

"Wounds are still healing Elle-Bell. Give me a day or two."

  "How did you get back?" I asked.

"Travis broke me out."

  I smiled. Not everyone in Blood Water was an ass.

  We spent the better part of an hour making sure everyone felt comfortable and safe. The safehouse was well stocked with food, water and blankets. While it was a bit cramped, we were safe.

  I looked out of the frosted windows, seeing nothing but darkness.

  But, if I listened hard enough. I could hear a howl. Deep and loud.

A war cry.


is it bad that i want to kill of a charcter? i really want to.

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