Chapter XV

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I woke up, groggy and weak

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I woke up, groggy and weak. My body didn't want to move so I stayed where I was. With my eyes shut, I felt my surroundings. I was on a bed. Soft and warm. For a minute, I thought I was back home, but Erie's voice rang in my already throbbing head.

   I recognize this scent, but it's not home. It is but, not a familiar home.

I understood what she meant. I recognized the scents in the room. Like some distant memory I was struggling to recall.

 I was about to open my eyes when a sound came from the other side of the room. I quickly shut them again pretenting to be asleep.

I heared something again. Footsteps.

They stopped.

I felt the left side of the bed sink down.

"I know you're awake." A deep voice said, chuckling slightly.

"Open your eyes. I won't hurt you,  I promise."

Somehow, I trusted this voice. All I could hear was safety and remembrance in that voice. Like I knew them.

Even Erie stayed quiet, listening. Trying to remember.

   Slowly I opened my eyes and rolled over, facing the person.

When I looked at them, all I could see was someone familiar that I had forgotten.

He was tall, even sitting I could tell he was. He had dark brown hair and a well trimmed beard, streaked with grey and dark brown eyes. Skin the color of deep mocha.

I squinted, trying to see, trying to remember why and how I felt like I knew him.

The man chuckled.

"I'm guessing you're trying to figure out who I am?" He asked.

I nodded.

"My name is Travis. I'm your uncle and second in command to Alpha Trenton. Your father."

From what Kim told us, the wolves who attacked her were from Blood Water

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From what Kim told us, the wolves who attacked her were from Blood Water.  Alpha Trenton's pack, just as I had expected.

      Parker, take the rest of the guards and make sure the pack is safe. I'm going to Blood Water. I mindlinked. 

    He looked at me with concern before nodding and signaling the others. 

   We both knew I would do this alone. I wouldn't sacrifice my pack. Whatever happened to Elle was my responsibility.

As the rest of the pack turned and ran back, I forged west and headed for Blood Water territory, adrenaline and anger spurring me on; helping me cover the full 30 miles in little time.

    Guards lined the territory, ready to fight. I would tear through the throats of all who crossed my path.

   Many guards hounded me, howling as they chased. I felt them gain every now and then snapping at my heels.

I sniffed the air searching for Elle's scent.  I located it, setting my course. 

   As I ran,  a blunt force rammed into my side.  I rolled then sprung to my feet, growling at my attacker. 


"Noveno, what a nice surprise." He said. He remained in human form as he casually paced, as if he hadent stolen my mate.

"Give her back." I growled through the Alpha mindlink. 

"Who?" He asked in mock innocence.

"You know exactly who! Return Elle to me, or I'll kill you." As the threat dropped from my lips, Trentons guards surrounded us, growling.

"So Elle's the name they gave her." He said under his breath. "Well to you, she may be Elle, but to me she is Amarie, my dau-"

"I don't care what you call her, give me back my mate."

"Your mate? I thought that brunette idiot you brought to the last Alpha's meeting was your mate." He responded, grinning slyly.

"She just happened to tag along. And I'll tag your head to a tree of if you don't bring me my mate now."

"I'm sorry, Noveno but that won't be-"

Before he could finish, a figure burst through the surrounding bushes.

It was Elle. She had shifted and was running towards me, followed by another large male wolf.

She ran up to me and rubbed her neck against mine, mixing our scents.

"Elle, let's go. Now." I linked nudging her away.

  The guards attempted to block us, but that didn't matter because Elle wasn't moving anyway.

She stayed put.

"I cant." She somehow mindlinked back.

"Noveno, Uncle Travis explained everything. Alpha Trenton. . . he's my real father."


That Maury moment tho. Trenton, you are the father!!!! Comment, vote spread the love. Peace love and penguin blood. ✌❤🐧🔪


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