Shitty Fanfictions II (More Cringe)

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This chapter contains more rant than the previous one. So please, embrace yourselves. You're about to cringe even harder!


      So I just got a DM from someone requesting another part of the cringey fanfic parody series. So I was like yeah okay :') (not cringing to death at ALL)!

      By the way, kudos to whoever who made the fanfic category inside of a category.

Funny is that I found a whole fucking category named Jacobsartorius!! How the FUCK!


      So anyway, out of curiosity I wanted to see who and why would someone make a whole category after a 9 year old chipmunk elf boy.

I found a book which I'm not saying the name of either the book title or the writer, cause I'll end up dragging the shit out of them.

And quite honestly, I'm not in the mood to fight ten year olds...

So the book is basically about a girl who had a one night stand with Jacob sarthritis, and ends up pregnant!!'

Wait, not only that! But she finds out that she's pregnant the next morning after they did the hanky panky, you know? Bam bam in the ham... Anyway it was painful to read!

How can you spend the night with the elf boy and 6 hours later, BAM! Instant pregnancy and the fetus kicks her dumb ass 10 year old belly!

Don't forget about the good ole grammar mistakes:) But that's another problem!

The main issue here, is how the FUCK?! Babies aren't supposed to have babies. Second of all, these pre-tweens lack a huge amount science education.

Here's the thing, when you want to write a storyline in which you want your female character to get pregnant, please read a science book, or at least raise your hand once in health class.

- Also, if my parents found out I was pregnant by a kid who looks like this:

- Also, if my parents found out I was pregnant by a kid who looks like this:

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1- I wouldn't! God! No just no.

2- They would sacrifice me to SATAN himself!!

Funniest thing is,
If you went to the Fanfiction category and went to the Jacobsartorius category inside the Fanfiction category, I guarantee that you'll find at least 1000 stories about getting pregnant by a dumb elf boy!

      So enough with the rant, let's start some more cringey fanfic parodies, and I promise that some of these are based on actual books on Wattpad. So I hope you know I'm not exaggerating:)! Thank you.

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