I Hate My College (MASSIVE RANT)

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^ This kid says it all lmao


I don't usually rant about my personal problems in this book,

But honestly this is taking it to a whole new level!!

I know you're all gonna be like "oh at least be thankful you're pursuing your future etc.."

Yeah, I'm thankful and all but this place is a fucking nightmare to anyone who wants to work hard and become something in the future..

They give you that fake nice attitude and give you high expectations about your grades and your work!

And how amazing your work is and how incredible you are etc etc....

But then.....

They give you a C!


C on my fucking two weeks worth of logo designing on an advanced computer program!!!


And it wasn't the just the first time it ever happened!

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And it wasn't the just the first time it ever happened!

It happened to me before and it happens to many students who are just as hard working as I am!

I mean it's so not fucking FAIR!!

Students who pay under the table get higher grades without even knowing how to turn on a fucking computer!

(Yes there are rich students at my college who pay the administrations to help them out on getting high grades)

And students who work day and night and stay up until 4 fucking AM for a project that didn't even cross B+!

Fuck you ****** college.

I'm not calling you out in here cause I know you're dying to expel a student and I need my future lmao.

I want to rant about the rich students who think they can get away with anything with money.

Honestly if I had that much money I wouldn't have spent it on my grades to get higher bc I know I am creative and I won't give up!

If I had so much money I'd spend it all on traveling and seeing the word out there with my family and friends..

But seriously though it's so unfair....

Why rich kids get higher grades and they don't even know anything about this major and already wanting to succeed???????

It doesn't work like that.

So take your daddy's cash and shove it so far up your ass until it comes out of your mouth you spoiled bitches!!!!

Woah 😂

Anywhore, I hate this place and I can't believe I still have three more years of this bullshit!


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