I Want Attention Syndrome

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There's nothing that I hate in this world (besides Jacob Sartorius and Jake Paul and Donald Trump) more than attention seeking cunts!!

Annoying bitch: Ugh! Nobody wants to hang out with me I'm such a quirky loser...

Good person: Hey, wanna hang out?

Annoying bitch: Eh... I wasn't talking to you.

That's literally every hipster-esque artsy annoying liberals wannabe cunts from my college!!!

They cry and bitch and complain about everything and when someone wants to do the right thing for them and make them feel less lonely, they act like fucking cunts and judge you by their overdramatized ego!!!!

This is why nobody wants to hang out with you dickheads.

This is Steve

Steve likes to hang out with people

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Steve likes to hang out with people.

Steve doesn't pretend to be sad for attention.

Steve isn't a cunt.

Steve is a good person.

Be like Steve.


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