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The next morning when they had awaked up the storm had calmed down

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The next morning when they had awaked up the storm had calmed down. Vál walked outside the cabin, the sight clear yet a new fresh layer of snow covered the ground. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes before Björn joined her outside. Neither one of them had said anything about what had happened last night. Both of them telling themselves just was Björn said last night, only to keep themselves warm.

"I think I owe you a decent hunt and help you fill what I've been wasting during these weeks," Vál said and turned to him. Björn stood with his arms crossed over his chest as his eyes roamed her body but he soon locked their gazes. When he didn't answer she only raised her brow. "Let me just get my bow and meet you here again?"

"Yeah, sure," Was all he said before walking back inside. Vál only frowned before walking towards the forest again. The snow crunched underneath her feet ask she walked, a pleased sigh left her lips, it was indeed a relaxing sound. When she took a big step up the hill to the forest from the open ground she hissed slightly due to the odd feeling between her legs. A sigh left her lips when she got herself up before walking in the direction of her cabin.

Her mind was clouded when she walked in the forest. She couldn't wrap her mind around what she had done the night before, sleeping with Björn. It had been nice but why didn't she stop him, the weather had calmed down today. One night without heat wouldn't have killed them, even if they didn't know that then yet she could've had stopped it, not caved like she did. What where the gods up to, forcing them together and after they've slept together it all calmed down.

Then there was that familiar sound, the croaking. Her head snapped up in the direction of the sound and shook her head as she saw the familiar raven. It sat on a branch and looked at her.

"What are you staring at, I thought you were dead!" She exclaimed before continued to walk back home.

Björn sat outside the cabin, imagines of last night did seem to disappear. Vál had been gone for a while and he patiently waited for her to come back. His stomach wasn't as empty as he thought it would be, yet he hadn't had anything to eat since last night. It wasn't much, two smaller pieces of hare. A sigh left his lips when he thought about his offer he had given her, he didn't lie to her. People would like her, yet some would also hate her for being who she is. A fierce woman who's just as lethal.

He had thought about returning back home now the storm had calmed down, probably in the morning. When he had been caught in the storm, it wasn't because he was scared, he realized that he had proven himself. He didn't depend on anyone, he had killed a berserker and a bear.

Suddenly an arrow flew by, barely an inch from his face, giving the bridge of his nose a small cut. His eyes widen and he quickly took his axe in hand but relaxed when he heard the familiar laugh in distance. A groan left his lips when he saw Vál walking over to him, with her bow and arrows with her. A proud smirk covered her lips and he only rolled his eyes.

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