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Vál had changed her clothing before joining the rest in the great hall for dinner

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Vál had changed her clothing before joining the rest in the great hall for dinner. She wore her black tunic with some details, her black pants and a cloak with smaller furry detailing. Her hair was braided in a simple single fishtail braid. Her long icy hair looking even longer in the braid. Her boots clashed against the wooden floor as she entered the great hall. Seeing the empty chair between Ubbe and Björn she walked up and took a seat, facing two empty chairs next to Harald and Halfdan. Aslaug sat by the short side with Ivar sitting in her lap and Ragnar on the opposite side of her, Hvitserk on his right and Björn on his left.

"Your guests haven't arrived yet." Björn said bitterly before taking a sip of mead, already drunk. Vál only rolled her eyes as she stuffing a piece of chicken in her mouth, almost moaning by the juiciness of the meat. Björn didn't like the new men at all, not only because their eyes hand wandered over Vál like a starving man looking at food and how they said they were in Kattegat to claim Vál and to take her away from him. Their attitude bothered him, how they thought they were better than him and everyone else. He knew he had too keep Vál close and keep an eye on the men during their stay, hopefully being able to shorten it.

"I can see that." Vál mumbled before drinking. She hadn't been able to wrap the situation around her head. A few hours ago no one from her home ad survived then more than a handful arrived from the forest, pride and confidence radiating from their bodies. She needed to speak with them, at least Vidar who seemed to be the leader of the group. She needed answers, she needed to test them to see if they were true by their words. Even if the necklaces were convincing and valid proof she couldn't believe it. No one said a word to her, talking about the men that had settled by the village. Harald and Halfdan had both glanced at her, trying to read her reaction to the men claiming to be her people. Both of them feeling worth intrigued but hostile towards the newcomers who had killed men from Haralds army. However they both new that the power the men seemingly radiated could be useful in the future if they were friends, or at least allies.

Then, like they knew everyone was thinking about them they entered the great hall. People tensed, especially Aslaug who's grip tightened on her youngest sons waist. Vidar walked inside first then his men came in second. Ragnar smiled and gave the men a kind nod which Vidar returned.

"I'm sorry you all can't fit around the table but Floki." Ragnar began and Floki looked at his friend when his name was mentioned. "Can entertain your men while you sit with us." Ragnar continued and Vidar looked at his men over the shoulder to give them a nod. Vidar walked up to the table with Ulvar close behind, they took a seat by the two empty chairs facing Vál, Vidar sitting on the opposite side of her as Floki greeted the rest. Floki's eyes were wide and he quickly introduced himself and Helga before attacking with questions, excitement filling the boatbuilders body. Food were placed infront of Vidar and Ulvar as well as cups filed with mead. Both men calm yet didn't seem to enjoy getting everything placed in front of them by the snap of fingers. Aslaug cleared her throat and looked at Ragnar.

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