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Far yet close enough to Kattegat a small camp had been built. Seven tents surrounding a smaller fire, six horses tied to a fallen tree were misplaced in the empty forest even if it was barely visible, all colors blending together making the campers invisible. Two ravens were seated on a branch above the camp, croaking occasionally.

A tall man suddenly walked out from one of the tents. His shoulder were broad, and the furs that hung over them gave the illusion of being even broader. Under the furs thick leather was visible with metal detailing. His thick brows were closely knitted together as his icy blueish eyes roamed over the camp, peeking over his shoulder, at one of the birds before it fluttered its wings and landed on his shoulder.

He walked over to the fire, pulled some meat from the bones that was being slowly cooked over it, before handing smaller pieces to the carbon black bird on his shoulders as his eyes roamed the forest. His chestnut colored hair fell over his shoulders, shorter than his brothers but still providing some warmth. A healing scar was visible on his cheek as he kept feeding the bird small pieces. He licked his plump pink lips, tongue slightly nudging the mustache covering the lip. He took the last piece of meat and put it in his own mouth before scratching his shorter beard.

"Brother, is Rolf back yet?" His brother spoke behind him. He peeked over his free shoulder and saw Ulvar standing there, blue eyes filled with excitement.

"Not yet brother." He answered and Ulvar nodded before walking up to stand beside him.

"Do you think she got to him as well Vidar?" Ulvar asked him and Vidar shrugged. The sound of the horses filled the silence. "Are you sure it's actually her we are following? That woman at Hedeby might've mixed her up, it's a long time ago brother." Ulvar asked after a while, scratching his beard covered jaw. A delicate one if not being hidden behind the thick brown hair.

"Can we ever be sure of anything brother?" Vidar said and Ulvar only nodded. "Wake the others, the food is ready and Guthred will go on the watch after Rolf returns." Vidar ordered and Ulvar nodded. Vidar took confident steps as he walked over to the horses, reaching his own he patted its warm body, feeling its muscles move with it. Soon her could hear the sounds of his brothers gathering by the fire, food muffling their speech and he made his way over.

"Vidar, when are we leaving? I mean she can't wait forever." Guthred asked, impatience clear as the day. They had been at the camp for a few days now after moving from the other and always keeping close yet far away from Kattegat. Vidar took a piece of meat, throwing a piece into his mouth.

"I think she can Guthred." Vidar said after chewing the juicy meat. "You're on the watch so you'll get your feet moving. Just don't make the same mistake twice." He added and his brother nodded his head. Guthreds icy eyes glared at the fire, the only form of ice that wouldn't melt while watching the flames dance before them. His long brown hair almost reached his waist yet his beard had been cut shorter due to the change of climate down south.

"Incoming." Ulvar said suddenly and looked behind Vidar who turned to look. Rolf came closer on his horse, his face hidden by the cloak he removed when reaching the camp. He tied his horse next to the others before walking over to his brothers. Vidar chewed on the meat as he fed the raven another piece as he looked at Rolf, raising his brow.

"Any news brother?" Vidar asked, voice slightly muffled by the meat. Rolf took a cup handed by Olof, drinking a few mouthfuls before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Olofs blond almost white hair fell over his shoulder but some pushed back in a bun to prevent it hanging in his face.

"I think for sure it's her. When I left she almost killed another, her skills is too solid for her coming from the South. Plus the look in her eyes, its flat and icy cold." Olof confirmed and Vidar nodded for him to continue. "However she's still with that man, the tall blond man." Olof said, letting out a sigh as he took a piece of meat.

"Lothbroks son?" Ulvar asked and Olof nodded before letting out another sigh, yet this was more a defeated one. "What's the matter brother?" Ulvar added.

"We have a problem, they're sleeping together again and I think it's only a matter of time before she's with child." Olof said and Vidar clenched his jaw as Ulvar mumbled 'shit'. "She's too involved with them, are we sure we're not waisting time on getting her back?" He continued but before anyone could answer the sound of a branch snapping was heard. Vidar raised his hand for them to be quiet and Ulvar placed his hand over the sword on his back. Soon one arrow flew through the air, missing Vidar's head by inches. Four men came running, ambushing them with too much confidence for being outnumbered. Ulvar threw Vidar his sword that was placed by his tent as the other men quickly got ready to defend themselves.

Soon she sound of metals clashing together echoed through the forest. Vidar noted their shields, yellow with red x and the Vegvísir symbols in black. A man came attacking him but he skillfully blocked it before shoving a dagger into the mans abdomen. He cut his stomach open while the intruder screamed in pain, Vidar gripped his bowels and pulled them out, his hand getting covered in the thick crimson liquid. The mans screams soon stopped as he died. His other men took care of the rest but soon one man was left without the sword he dropped after Ulvars attack, cornered by his brothers.

"Leave him." Vidar ordered and his brothers stopped, standing around the man on the ground who looked like a hunted deer, eyes wide and pleads leaving his mouth. Vidar walked over, his brothers getting out of his way by still aimed their swords at the man on the ground.

"Who sent you?" Vidar asked calmly, his voice not revealing any emotion. "Why are you and your brothers out here?" Vidar asked, reaching out his bloody hand and the man pulled back.

"You seem a little lost my friend?" Ulvar said as Vidar continued to stare at the man who remained silent. Vidar roughly gripped the mans jaw with his blood hands.

"Shh... don't be disgusted, he was you brother." Vidar said and his brothers laughed at the mans expression. Vidar pushed his nails into the mans cheeks, almost digging holes into the pale flesh. The scared mans eyes wandered over them all, also searching for a way out which was unnecessary. He only had a few breaths left.

"He doesn't want to talk." Olof said with a sinister smirk on his lips. "Smart but stupid enough to attack us." He added and he man looked at Olof, still wide eyed. Vidar reached behind his back, to the dagger that was hanging by his belt.

"I can lead you to them!" The man said in panic as he saw the large dagger. "To Kattegat!" He added and Vidar laughed wickedly and so did his brothers.

"We're already heading there my friend." Vidar said before slitting the mans throat, letting the blood stain his face. He stood up, placing his dagger back and looked at his brothers. "Let's clean this up then we're leaving." Vidar ordered his brothers.

"Another camp?" Ulvar asked with his brow raised as the others started to clean everything up, vanishing the attackers from the earth. Vidar only stared at the man by their feet.

"Kattegat." Vidar corrected him. When everything was packed away, everyone gathered on their horses and waited for Vidars signal to leave. Vidars eyes wandered over the ground they had been living on, searching for traces of their presence but his brothers had done a good job as always.

"To Kattegat." Vidar yelled and they nodded.

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This is a filler chapter, now it begins my friends. Let's welcome Alexander Dreymon to the story, starring as Vidar.

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