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Vál breathed heavily as she swung her sword at Amanda

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Vál breathed heavily as she swung her sword at Amanda. They had been practicing since the morning, she had agreed to help the young aspiring shield maiden with her training since Signhild didn't bother to waste her energy on the young woman. As Vál had gotten her pulse working more than usual as Amanda looked like death was waiting around the corner. The young woman had developed her combat skills tremendously the past two weeks however she still had a lot to learn and build. Amandas lunges often gave her out, not used to the intense training.

"One more time Amanda." Vál said, voice filled with authority and confidence. Amanda took a deep breath before raising her sword, then attacking. Without using her sword, Vál only moved her body to dodge the hits from the young girl. A defeated sigh left Amandas lips, getting caught off guard when Signhild walked over. "Focus!" Vál almost scolded as she held her sword against Amandas throat.

"I can't hide my admiration for your will to try." Signhild said as she stood by the side, observing them with her arms crossed over her chest. Amandas shoulders hung heavy as well as her head. Vál only licked her teeth before turning to face Signhild, a woman who decided to pick on anything involving Amanda or Vál.

"Don't bother Vál. Thank you for today." Amanda mumbled as Vál opened her mouth. Amanda took her play word before walking away. Vál bit the inside of her cheek as she saw Signhild's eyes follow the young woman as she walked away.

"What's your problem Signhild?" Vál asked and looked at her.

"She's my problem." Signhild said and smirked. "And you're my problem." She added and Vál snorted.

"Don't flatter me Signhild." Vál said and placed her sword on her back. Signhild snorted as the words of Harald echoed in her head. He had been scolding her for not training the shield maidens enough, only because Vál had started to train Amanda. Harald ha noticed that more and more shield maidens joined Vál's practice with Amanda and he had taken out his anger on Signhild and not in the way his shield maiden wanted. He didn't like how it looked that Vál had taken over, saying it looked weak that someone else took over, that his people started to follow someone else, even if it was a woman he had grown to adore.

"I need you to stop training my shield maidens." Signhild said and took a step forward, closing in on Vál. "They're my responsibility and not yours." She added and Vál snorted.

"Then act like it." Vál bit back and Signhild clenched her jaw. She walked up to Vál, glaring into her icy eyes but Vál didn't seem affected by her closeness. "I can't help that they prefer me over you Signhild, I haven't asked them to follow me. You abandoned them and they searched for something better, someone who believes in them and sadly that isn't you." She added and Signhilds blood started to boil.

"Shut your mouth." Signhild said through gritted teeth. "One of these days I'm going to kill you, humiliate you infront of everyone especially that prince of yours." She added and Vál only chuckled.

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