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Neither one of them moved, they only stood there and looked at each other

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Neither one of them moved, they only stood there and looked at each other. Harald chuckled and whispered something to his brother who also chuckled. Björn glared at them before looking back at the warriors. Ubbe stood in front of them with his brothers, Sigurd clinging to his fathers legs as he looked at Vál with wide eyes. Vidar suddenly laughed a little and she raised her brow as the rest of her expression remained neutral, apathetic.

"We can do this all day if you want Vál." Vidar exclaimed and she just stared at him.

"Ladies first Vidar." Was all she said, some of the audience laughing. Vidar only rolled his eyes before charging. One sword, his right hand, swung towards her head and the other aimed for her side. She blocked them both before pushing Vidar back, or trying. Vidar smirked before pushing her back, making her stumble but remained standing on her feet. Vidars slips were still curled into a smirk which angered her slightly.

Vál clenched her jaw before attacking. She quickly swung her swords both aiming for his head, the first attacking from the left which he simply dodged and the other came right after, from the right which he also dodged. She clenched her jaw even tighter when the grin on Vidar's lips didn't disappear. Vidar attacked with his swords, Vál dodging the first that aimed for her head, like Vidar had done before and then blocked the one that was coming for her leg. Vál kicked him right on his calf making him groan slightly and she used the loss of concentration to punch him in the face with the hilt. Blood slowly ran down his nose and his eyes grew angrier by the minutes.

"I think I know which weapon I'm going to choose." Vál said and Vidar attacked again which she blocked but the tip of his sword cut her cheek. "That sword." She said and nodded towards the sharp metal that had cut her cheek. Vidar clenched his jaw before pushing her back, she stumbled again and he quickly attacked again. Vál blocked all his hits however before she knew it Vidar kicked her in the stomach, causing her to fall to the ground. She sucked in a harsh breath, pain filling her body. Vidar walked over to her, standing over with a grin on his face. Björn took step forward but stopped himself from interfering.

"If you continue like this Vál, neither sword is leaving my back." Vidar said as he raised his sword. Vál kicked her leg up quickly, the tip of her foot making contact with his groin. Vidar clenched his jaw as he groaned out in pain. Vál got off the ground, pain radiating from her stomach and back. She had dropped one of her swords but she attacked him anyway. People were cheering loudly as they attacked each other. Vidar's face was partly covered in blood now as the crimson colored liquid ran down his nose. Vál swung her sword with great force, the blade making contact with hand, ripping the skin slightly, causing him to drop it. Both of them now only had one sword each. The metal clashed against each other with great force. Vidar then slammed her second sword away. She reached to grab one of her daggers as she backed from his swinging sword when she tripped on the slight unevenness of the ground. A hiss left her mouth and when she looked up Vidar stood above her again and placed his sword against her throat.

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