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A groan left Vál's lips when she woke up

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A groan left Vál's lips when she woke up. The blanket was covering her naked body as she rubbed her eyes tiredly before turning her head to look at Björn, only to see him already staring right back at her. She raised her brow out of surprise before nudging her with her elbow.

"That's creepy Björn, stop staring." She said and he rolled his eyes before turning to his back, placing one hand behind his head. Vál sat up, showing him her naked back, his eyes moving over the curves and stopping by some scars. He was still as mesmerized by them as the first time he looked at them, she hadn't spoke that much about them and he didn't ask either.

Vál yawned when she thought about the night before. The tension by the table, the only ones that didn't seem to bother was Ragnar, Floki, Harald and Halfdan. She still hadn't spoken to the guests, they kept to themselves, the queen or Floki. She found them rather interesting since Björn had gotten some vibes from them. She had fought the urge to tell them stop looking at her, they eyes lingering on her too much without them speaking to her. She didn't know what they were thinking, at least not everything. She had seen them licking their lips and giving each other gazes that involved one of them probably pushing her up against the wall while breathing heavily in her ear.

Then memories of her kissing Björn as they got back to the cabin, their clothes being thrown around the room as they made their way to the bed. She felt Björn's fingers glide down her naked back before he placed them beside her on the bed. Their moment last night was purely because of the mead, nothing else. It was quick, pleasurable and nothing more than that. They had been laughing drunkenly between thrusting, kissing and the air was filled with the heavy sound of skin slapping at a rapid pace. People had probably heard them if they walked past, yet they left pretty early so everything was probably dull in the great hall where men and women enjoyed the feast. However she didn't care if they heard.

"What are your thoughts on today?" He asked and she shrugged.

"You mean when I'm going to prove myself worthy of joining you on your adventures across the narrow sea?" She said with a smile, looking over her shoulder at him. Björn only smiled. "It's going to be fun and interesting to see how you southerners fight,"

"Don't get to hurt or do something stupid," Björn said and winked at her. She playfully gasped and slapped his arm that was placed by her side.

"What's the fun in that?" She chuckled and he only shook his head while smiling. She soon left the bed, Björn admiring her naked body from behind, feeling himself getting aroused, especially when the memories of last night filled his mind. The sound of her moaning and feeling her naked skin against his almost made his breath rugged. He watched as she got dressed her pants, the black shirt and her furry jacket. A faint smile covered his lips when he saw her taking all her armory she found usable in the fight, daggers that she hid in various of places and the two swords crossed over her back. He got curious when he thought how she would fight, he hadn't seen her fight another human, only defending herself when he chased her but not full on fighting with both those swords. The thought of her fighting also added to him getting aroused.

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