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Vál slowly opened her eyes, the warmth from the blanket and something heavy around her waist was too much for her to be able to sleep

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Vál slowly opened her eyes, the warmth from the blanket and something heavy around her waist was too much for her to be able to sleep. She rubbed her eyes before turning around, meeting Björn's sleeping frame. His chest slowly raised and fell as he breathed, it was calming to look at even if a noticeable frown was present by her brows.

"Morning." Björn said as he woke up, voice low and raspy. He removed his hand from her waist as he moved to lay on his back, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Morning." She answered before sitting up, clenching the sheet close to her body as she turned to look at Björn. "When did you come in last night?" She asked and he yawned.

"After you fell asleep." He answered, stating the obvious, and she rolled her eyes. Then she felt his hand rub over her back and she closed her eyes, enjoying his touch. "You okay? I mean after everything." He asked as he kept rubbing circles on her back, she opened her eyes and stared into thin air.

"It's just so..." She began but couldn't find the right words. "Unbelievable, yet now after some sleep I'm rather happy and curious about them." She continued and he hummed, his hand stopping slightly but when she peeked over her shoulder he continued.

"Are you going to talk to them today?" He asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, I was thinking about heading there now." Vál admitted and he hummed. She left the bed, letting the tunic cover her naked thighs. Björn licked his bottom lip slowly as his eyes followed her long naked legs, teeth slowly sinking into the pink lip as he knew what hid underneath the tunic. He saw as she got her pants, a new grey tunic and her jacket on. He saw how her fingers quickly untangled the messy braid before starting over, making two dutch braids.

"My brothers asked me to tell you they wanted to train with you today." Björn added and she looked at him.

"Tell them to catch me after they've eaten breakfast." She said before walking out. Björn parted his lips to say something but the sound of the door closing stopped him. A sigh left his lips, mind running with mostly cuss words. Vál had slipped from his grip since everything happened with Siggy. He understood but their moment at the shore made him think it had slowly gotten back to where they were before but her cold side remained icy. He knew he had to talk to her.

Vál walked across the village, only a couple of people were awake, mostly farmers who fed the animals. Before she could turn back to her cabin, not sure if her guests had woken she saw Vidar and Guthred outside by their smaller fire place. Vidar's hair remained unbraided, letting it fall over his shoulders like a blanket yet some was pushed back into a small bun to prevent if from falling in his face. Guthred's hair was in a long braid, Vál almost not recognizing the man who had been chasing her with his hair down.

"Morning Vál." Vidar said with a smile, showing off his white teeth. She only gave them a nod and took a seat on one of the blankets they had placed on the ground by the fireplace. "Why are we blessed with your presence in these early hours? Thought you were sleeping now." He taunted her but she only rolled her eyes.

WRATH OF THE NORTH [BJÖRN IRONSIDE]Where stories live. Discover now