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Vál sat completely still as she looked at the deer. Her sharp arrow aimed at the gracious animal. A smile was visible on her lips as she only looked at it. Snow slowly fell from the sky, creating a thin layer on both her and the deer. Its light brown color exposed it even more between the white trees yet it seemed like the snow tired to cover it up for an untrained eye.

A branch snapped in distance and she quickly let go of the arrow, it flew swiftly through the air as her eyes roam the forest. Vál got ready with another arrow as her eyes tried to find any sign of life. She squinted her eyes as she saw a large shadow in distance. She didn't look back at the dead deer. Instead she licked her lips before running in the opposite direction of the sound. She found a rather large tree and she decided to hide behind it.

She calmed her breathing as she tried to focus on any noise. A smirk spread across her lips when a faint branch snapped before the sound of a heavy body crushing the snow beneath it. She knew her bow wouldn't come in handy so she was ready to grip her swords that hung on her back like a cross. She was never a fan of hanging her swords on a belt around her waist, it prevented her to use her legs to the fullest while running. When they were on her back nothing restrained her motion while moving.

The steps were getting closer, she carefully peaked from her hiding spot. She raised her brow when she saw the familiar man. She could see an axe in his hand, probably a new one. A faint smile spread across her lips as carefully walked closer to him. His eyes roamed the forest yet his eyes seemed to miss her each time. As he continued to walk she followed. She had no idea how he seemed to have found her and even the thought if he had found her yet.

After a while he stopped, his eyes continued to roam the forest and she knew if he walked any longer he would get lost. He already seemed lost and the further in he walked the less chance he had to find his way out. No matter where you walk up here, everything seems to be the exactly the same. Her face remained neutral as he turned to look at her. She was still rather far away but the fog was long gone and only a few snowflakes fell from the sky. His eyes widen as he saw her and without a word she ran.

She could hear his heavy breathing as he chased her. With great speed and knowledge about the forest she could outrun him. She quickly turned to the right and hid behind a group of bushes. She could hear his rugged breathing and heavy steps as the got closer. She bit the inside of her cheek as she carefully got her sword. When her sword were ready she slowly got out from her hiding spot. She could see him tense so she quickly hid behind a tree. Her breathing was starting to get more rugged. The tree were in the way so she couldn't see him, she could only hear him. His breathing was still rugged and soon she could hear him walk further away. She waited a little while before peaking. She couldn't see him anywhere. She tried to listen for any sound her she couldn't hear a single sound, not even a rugged breathing.

Soon the sound of roaring filled her ears and just as she turned towards the sound her body got tackled to the ground. A huff left her body as she landed on her back yet she fought back. She pushed him over so she was straddling him before he pushed her over again but she smashed her head against his making him groan in pain.

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