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Vál stood behind Hvitserk, helping him to hold the arrow still as they aimed on a smaller hare further into the forest

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Vál stood behind Hvitserk, helping him to hold the arrow still as they aimed on a smaller hare further into the forest. Both Sigurd and Ubbe stood quietly behind them as all their eyes focused on the eating animal. Hvitserk had his tongue out as he focused on the animal, doing exactly what Vál had told them to do. She knew it wasn't the first time Ubbe and Hvitserk held a bow and arrow but she gave them a few tips and tricks as she teached Sigurd the basics.

"Great job!" Vál exclaimed when the arrow hit the hare skull. Hvitserk smiled proudly as his brothers cheered loudly, Vál didn't bother if they scared all the animals in the forest since they had been hunting for a few hours already. Ubbe had captured one hare by himself and one bird with her help. Hvitserk had gotten one hare and Sigurd had hit the tree a few times proudly. Vál ruffled Hvitserk's hair before telling him to get the now dead animal. His brothers stood by her and Ubbe took her hand in his.

Vál kept her eyes glued on Hvitserk but they soon moved up when she thought she saw something move further away. Her pupils got small when she saw a man further away; the same man she had seen the morning before. He had his bow draped over his chest like her and the hood was shadowing his face. Her grip on Ubbe's hand got tighter as she pulled him slightly behind her to protect them. Her heart started to beat quicker when the man started to calmly walk towards them with determined steps, especially Hvitserk who was closer to him.

"Vál! Look it was a big hare!" Hvitserk yelled and she looked at him but quickly looked back up only to see that the man was gone.The sound of croaking was heard and wings flapping together. She placed her free hand on the dagger hidden by her hip, it was a larger one with hooks that would rip the skin open in a painful manner.

"Hvitserk, come here!" Vál yelled in a firm and alost commanding tone as she looked around the forest to see if she could find the man again. Hvitserk looked at her with wide eyes before nodding. He took the hare in his hands and when he reached them again she told them it was time to walk back home.

Ubbe hadn't let go of her hand as Hvitserk and Sigurd ran infront of them, both giggling. Vál was only focused on their surroundings as they walked back. She couldn't see anyone in there with them. When they got to the edge of the forest Ubbe let go of her hand as they all ran towards their father who was seated outside the great hall. Vál took one more look around, trying to hear any sound or see any motion but there was nothing. However her eyes soon stopped on something very familiar laying on a stone. Her arrow, one of her used arrows; the one she had shot at the man the day before.

She took it to look at it. The edge ruined after hitting the tree but other than that it seemed normal. She threw it on the ground before walking back. With everything happening with Björn, Siggy, Aslaug and the newborn Ivar she had forgotten about the man. Vál decided she had to keep her eyes and ears open and go out for another hunt, for a much larger catch. She walked up to the great hall where the younger sons of Ragnar showed him their luck.

"Is our brother awake?" Hvitserk asked and Ragnar nodded with a neutral expression. They all cheered before running towards their cabin, leaving Vál alone with Ragnar.

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