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Countless of hours without sleep and two times of bowel cleanse they finally saw land a head

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Countless of hours without sleep and two times of bowel cleanse they finally saw land a head. Vál let out a pleased sigh even if the new land was very far away. She was restless, she only had a very limited space to move around and it bothered her. Björn had chuckled at her restlessness and so did his father. She had been tapping her foot on the floor longer than she could count before Björn placed his hand on he knee to make her stop. Only Harald and Halfdan's ship sailed beside theirs as the rest followed behind them.

"I'll die if I'm not getting off this thing soon." Vál muttered as she let out a deep breath. "I have no idea how long I've been on this thing, all I know is that I'm not getting any younger." She continued and Björn chuckled.

"We're just going further down so they don't know that we're here." Björn began and she nodded. "We'll build our camp and wait around two days before attacking so we can have a look at the place. Last time we didn't and it didn't turn out well." He continued and she nodded.

"I need to kill something." Vál mumbled as she took her bow in her hands before searching for an arrow. Ragnar looked at the young woman with amusement filling his eyes. She looked at the sky, seeing a few birds out over the open ocean to catch fish. She aimed at one but it soon quickly dived into the ocean, finding its prey. She then saw the bird on Harald's boat, on the mast. Releasing the arrow and soon the bird, from the force, fell down, almost landing on the boat.

"That was easy," Harald yelled form the other boat and Vál only rolled her eyes. She took another arrow before once again aiming at one of the flying birds. She aimed at one in particular, releasing the arrow and soon that one hit the water with an arrow penetrating the chest. Harald nodded in approval. The sound of clapping was heard even if the sound was muffled by the waves. A sigh left her lips as she placed the bow back beside her and Björn. She then looked ahead, seeing that they've gotten closer. It seemed calm, no sight of someone living there.

Soon they hit land, relief filled her body when the boat stopped to move. Almost pushing people away she ran off the boat. When her feet hit the ground she let out a sigh before laughing. Solid ground after months of being at sea.

"I never thought something simple as birds fucking would give me such pleasure!" She exclaimed as both Björn and Ragnar stood beside her. Both of them frowning as they looked at her. "Up there." She pointed at the two birds going at it in the treetops. Harald and Halfdan's eyes followed her finger as well and chuckled.

"I never thought I would hear someone say that." Harald said with a smudge grin on his face. Vál only rolled her eyes before Rollo commanded people to make themselves home. People started to build tents for their short stay, Helga had helped Vál collect what she needed for her tent, which presently occupied her. It was slowly started to turn into a tent as Björn approached with a frown on his face.

"What are you doing? I thought you'd be sleeping in my tent?" Björn said and Vál only rolled her eyes.

"I think I'm old enough to sleep by myself Björn." Vál said and chuckled. He opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off. "And I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions." She added and he only frowned.

WRATH OF THE NORTH [BJÖRN IRONSIDE]Where stories live. Discover now