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Vál had walked into the great hall once more in full rage to see if he was still there

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Vál had walked into the great hall once more in full rage to see if he was still there. Aslaug sat there with her hand rubbing her stomach, resting her sore feet. The Queen sat up straight when she walked inside and a chill ran down her back when her eyes met Váls.

"Where is he?" Vál said, disgust and anger dripping from every word. "Where in Hel is Björn?!"

"He left earlier, what's the matter Vál?" Aslaug said with a flat worry in her voice and raised her brow.

"Your father told me about her." Vál mumbled angrily and Aslaug nodded.

"What happened to Siggy is tragic Vál, I'm sorry you had to find out this way." Alsaug said and Vál frowned.

"Who's Siggy? I'm talking about Porunn and his supposed child with that woman!" Vál exclaimed and Alsaug's eyes widen before she blinked a few times.

"Siggy is his child." Aslaug said. "The girl who died today." She continued with an equally flat sadness. Vál sucked in a breath as she could swear she saw black spots clouding her vision. It felt as if someone had bashed her head with a log or stones. Her body felt cold as her stomach turned. Her body and mind felt blank but the emptiness soon got filled with pure fiery rage. Without a word she stormed outside the great hall. Aslaug sat back on her throne and the young woman missed the faint smirk spreading the Queens lips.

Váls eyes roamed over the village, not hearing anything but the sound of her blood rushing through her veins. Her jaw clenched when she saw Björn talking with Harald and Halfdan by the training spot as some men and women practiced. Her knuckles turned white when she stormed over there. Her steps filled with anger, confidence and power. Her eyes had turned icy and distant making her seem even more lethal than usual since there wasn't anything that spoke for emotions in her expression.

Björn soon noticed her, smiling lightly before he frowned when she didn't return the smile. Harald and Halfdan turned to look at her, both frowning as well. Björn opened his mouth to speak but before he could say anything Váls fist had collided with his jaw before he was pushed to the ground, the air leaving his lunges causing him to suck in a harsh breath. Her breath was rugged when she looked down at Björn's wide eyes and when he tried to get up she placed her foot on his chest to hold him down. Making it harder to breath as well.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Vál spat and he frowned before trying to get up again but she put pressure on his chest. "Why did you lie to me when I asked about her?!" She spat and Björn's constant frowning and dumbfounded expression fueled her fire.

"What are—?" Björn began but she cut him off.

"You never told me about you wife or Siggy!" She began and Björn gulped. "You've completely ignored your own child, a child who walked around in torn clothes, barely fed and alone. You disgust me Björn!" She yelled and didn't care if anyone heard. Before he could say anything she kicked him in the ribs out of anger. Harald and Halfdan looked at each other before nodding. Björn groaned and before she knew it four hands gripped her shoulders to pull her away. Harald and Halfdan had to drag her away as she fought back. Harald lost his grip and Vál hit him in the head before storming over to Björn again.

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