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She couldn't believe her eyes; the large gates they had fought to enter was now opening slowly for them

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She couldn't believe her eyes; the large gates they had fought to enter was now opening slowly for them. The soldiers on the horses were surrounding them, making sure they had somewhat control. They saw more soldiers without horses  waiting from them inside the thick walls. One of them gave the horsemen a nod and they started to move, leading them inside. Vál saw how the gates slowly closed behind them. She only clenched her jaw when she saw one of the soldiers behind her smirk at her.

Vál could see all the different kinds of people filling the streets, who kept watching them with curiosity as the soldiers guided them on their streets. The sound of the horseshoes and the rustling armor echoed in the silent streets, the sound bouncing of the naked brick wall. Not long after she could see the large castle further away, the majestic building that arose from the ground like a mountain.

After walking little longer they had finally reached their destination. They walked up to the caste and when they reached the large doors guards opened them. The soldiers on the horses had stopped down by the stairs as other guards took over. When they walked inside the were guided through the halls filled with even more soldiers. She squinted her eyes as she saw one of them with a little cut on his cheek, probably from the battle. Vál got surprised when she saw how short they were, mentally slapping herself for being judgmental and thinking everyone being about the same height. She had always been tall, but almost everyone living in the mountains and in Kattegat had some height to carry. She was even bigger than some men even if she wasn't bulky.

Soon they reached another set of large doors and they were slowly opened and when they walked inside they saw an older man with a golden crown proudly placed on the top of his head sitting on a throne and beside him, one step down sat a familiar woman to Vál. The brunette woman wore a dress that covered her front, hiding the cut from Vál's arrow. The dress was decorated in silver and a plum color. She wore a shining tiara in silver, earrings in silver which was viewable as her hair was pulled back. The brunette woman was indeed beautiful even if a light expression of disgust covered her face as she looked at the pagans. Standing by the supposed king were a man in a long white dress, a cross and a tall white hat. Vál bit the inside of her cheek as she looked at the hideous hat.

"Welcome!" The man in the hat said in their language which caught her attention. The King on the throne looked at them without revealing any emotion in his face. He only sat there and observed them. Surrounding them stood a mass of soldiers with their attention focused on them, shields, swords and spears in their hands as they looked for any movement to push the attack button. Vál bit the inside of her cheek when she realized how the situations could develop if they only knew the amount of armory she had hidden on her body, not all of it were easy to find; for her own safety of course. "May I introduce you to Emperor Charles III, emperor of the West Franks and his daughter Duchess Gisela." The man continued and Vál only looked at him. She peeked at Björn, since his eyes rested on the duchess a little longer but so did Rollo's eyes as well.

Both Ragnar and Rollo gave them a polite nod and the Emperor returned a short nod as the duchess only stared at them with a neutral expression. Björn had moved his attention to the Emperor as Rollo kept his eyes on the duchess which the Emperor noticed without a comment. Charles straightened his back and stroked his fingers over his bottom lip slowly, showing the amount of rings that covered his fingers. He motioned for the man in the hat to come closer before whispering something into his ears which caused Vál to frown, they didn't speak the same language which made it odd for them to whisper.

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