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Vál stared at Harald with no emotion in her eyes, her smirk didn't reach her eyes

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Vál stared at Harald with no emotion in her eyes, her smirk didn't reach her eyes. The sound of the shield maidens and Halfdans cheers was heard in distance. Harald pushed her back with force before quickly striking with his sword. Vál focusing on his movements and not her own, never wanting to reveal anything to her opponent. Her sword blocking his and the sound of their swords almost echoed loudly over the village. Harald tried again swinging his sword towards the side of her thigh, she blocked it again but the angle of her hand made it more challenging to push it away. She groaned as she swung his sword away.

Harald stumbled slightly when she kicked him in his side but kept himself standing. He smirked at her before picking up his pace, running towards her as he swung his sword, aiming at her head. Vál smirked back before blocking the sharp metal from slitting her into two. They looked into each others eyes as they pressed their swords against each other, waiting for the other to cave. She raised her brow but her pupils soon decreased in size when Harald tripped her back with his foot, like she had done before.

A huff left her lips when he back hit the ground. Her breathing was rugged as Harald walked over to her, standing over her body as he straddled her. He placed the tip of his sword at her throat as he smirked proudly. The cheers got louder when they all thought it was over, the shield maidens got crazy as their King seemingly had won the fight. However Vál had another thing in mind. Before Harald could do anything she had taken the dagger hidden in her jacket, the one with the hooks before jamming the handle into the back of Harald's knee causing his leg to bend. With the weak leg she pushed his sword away with the thick jacket as protection as she pulled at the weakened leg causing Harald to fall onto his ass.

Vál quickly got onto her legs as she tucked her dagger away and picked up her sword. She swung her sword towards Harald but he blocked it successfully and with force he pushed her away before he got onto his feet.

"For your age Harald you're not as bad as I had thought." Vál teased and Harald chuckled before swinging his sword, Vál dodged it in one swift motion with her sword kept behind her back. Harald swung it yet another time and she moved out of the way again. Then she quickly attacked with her sword as quickly as he blocked it she stroke again and again, looking to exhaust him. After a while she stopped and walked around him as both of them breathed heavily.

"Are you shocked that you haven't beated me yet?" Harald asked teasingly with a brow raised and Vál rolled her eyes as she smirked.

"As I said, I'm saving you the humiliation." Vál said before attacking again. They continued to block each other hits each time they attacked. Both of them started to get tired, Harald fasted than Vál who's body took over but due to her fighting for such a long period of time with both the shield maidens and Harald she started to get worn out. Soon they stopped, Vál held her sword against his throat and Harald held his against hers. Both of them chuckled before dropping their sword to their sides but Harald was quick to strike again, causing her to drop her sword but she was quick to take one of her daggers, pushing his arms away with her hand as she pressed the blade from her dagger against his throat. They looked each other in the eyes, Harald seeing the icy look in her eyes that surprisingly sent chills down his back. A small drop of blood ran down his neck.

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