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A statement from the publisher:
The majority of characters used within this story are public figures, both high profile and low profile. The events in this book are entirely fictional. The artist does not wish any ill will or harm on the figures mentioned and all subject matter is for entertainment and satire. 


Location: Unknown

Address: Unknown

Time: Unknown

Date: Unknown

"The blood and tears had already dried on his face. That $10,000 suit was covered in ash from the debris. He lifted his head to see the moonlight; the roof of the building was destroyed. And so were the lives around him. The room was filled with the dead and the dying."

Terry looked into the camera; a young woman, teary eyed and scared. She swallowed. Hard, cold saliva went down her throat. Sweat covered every inch of her. She was held for 12 days, recounting the same story hundreds of times. She didn't know where she was.

"Then Arlington walked into the room. Arlington came through the hole in the wall. Where the blast happened. Arlington was moving through the room, searching for him." Terry nods her head, blinks twice. "The Governor..." Terry wiped away a tear. A stern-faced soldier was across the table in front of her. "She lifted him by his collar, pulled out a knife, and cut the top of his head. Like she completely removed his scalp from his skull." Terry's voice cracked. "Why am I here? I told you guys everything. I want to go home!" The soldier told her there were discrepancies in her story.

"Like what?"

"We know that you were romantically involved with Governor Rick Snyder leading up to the attack. Arlington does not leave any witnesses. You are the first witness that has been left alive."


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"I told you people all that I know!" Then there were tears falling. "I just want to see my family." She had dirty blonde hair, and cuts and bruises sat on top of her pale skin. She bit down on the open cut on her lip.

The people behind the mirror were conspiring against Terry.

"She's lying."

"We think that as well."

"Has anybody confronted her about it yet?"

"No. We were saving that for Julia."

"She's actually here?"

"I'm in the room." She shut the door behind her. A salute was given as she walked up to the mirror. "Stand down." She inhaled deep and said, "That is no longer necessary," under her breath. She didn't make eye contact with the high-ranking members of the opposite sex. "I am pulling your man out."

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