Eighteenth Chapter

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Location: Unknown

Address: Unknown

Date: Unknown

Time: Unknown

George Soros was sipping on a Chianti, facing a giant flat screen television in front of him. The room was dark, and the sound of a glass being poured came from behind him. He spoke without turning around. "Donald Trump; a fucking genius."

Maria Aramburuzabala was sipping from her wine glass. She spoke with a voice filled with disdain. "Racist as hell."

"Racist as hell!" concurred George. "But a genius nonetheless."

The bottle was passed to Jasmine. Helping herself to a glass, she joked, "It looks like Donald pulled a trump card." Jasmine's quip went unnoticed. George and Maria weren't looking in her direction, so Jasmine swigged from the bottle.

George breathed in deep and took a seat beside Maria and Jasmine. "I have made him a very wealthy man. However, his life will be short lived. He is not the only one with a backup strategy." On the screen, they watched Donald Trump and his wife and child being escorted into a helicopter.

George's phone vibrated from his breast pocket. It was a call from the devil himself. "You have me impressed," George answered. "I honestly thought I was closing the book on you."

Donald's voice was heard through the speaker. "I play a game of chess. I predicted that you would start tying up the ends you have created. Through your design, I have been placed in this position, and I played it, very well."

"You went AWOL; off the grid."

"That's the thing about me, George. I am not a pawn, I am the player. There were other politicians you paid off that are still in the system. They told me a lot about you. I predicted the next steps you had planned for me. Face it. This time, I outsmarted you."

George Soros was waiting patiently. Very rarely was he disappointed. He watched the screen as two soldiers escorted Brian Losey into the chopper as well.

"I am going to make you and that organization very famous, Soros. Checkmate."

On the television screen, the pilot had gotten out of the helicopter and fired headshots into two soldiers. The co-pilot jumped out as well. The camera feed was attached to his chest. From his point of view, The Board watched as the assailant whipped out a pistol and directed it towards the people in the vehicle. Two rounds were fired into the admiral's skull. The rest of the clip was fired into Trump's wife and child. The screams damn near blew out the speakers on the television. Melania Trump was the first to stop screaming. Then Barron Trump fell silent as well.

A second pistol was revealed on the screen. It was waiting in the co-pilots other hand. That clip was emptied into Donald's body.

The two assailants dragged the bodies out of the chopper. Their pulses were checked, and those pulses couldn't be found.

The helicopter soon took off into the sky. The last image on the television screen was that of Trump Tower, vanishing from the New York City skyline.

"Ladies," started George Soros. He poured himself another glass. "Now we enter into phase two of our operation." The rim of the glass went up to his lips. "Where are our star players?" He took a sip. That Chianti hit him just right; light and sweet.

"Before we begin," started off Jasmine. There were as few stress lines on her forehead and a twinkle in her eye. "I may have missed it, but was it the idea to set up Malachi?"

"Yes," said George, cold and callously blunt.

"Oh, okay. Well, he escaped and is currently with Valery."

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