Nineteenth Chapter

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Location: Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest

Address: Unknown

Date: 11/1/2015

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Jasmine White was enjoying a slice of cheesecake. She only liked the taste of it because it was expensive. She had a rare tongue that could taste the cost of food. The better the taste, the more money Jasmine would fork out for it. She got the dessert from Eileen's Special Cheesecake, near lower Manhattan.

She grabbed the remote from the kitchen table to silence the television. They were featuring more news on the Arlington attacks. Just hearing the fact that Sarah Palin was discovered in her home with missing limbs made Jasmine feel like she'd had enough television for today. She washed the bitter taste out of her mouth with a drink. The name on the label of the bottle was "Jayer-Gilles 2004 Echezeaux Grand Cru". The wine cost $350; her usual drink when it wasn't a special occasion. Jasmine white may have been an alcoholic, but she was an alcoholic with superb taste. One thing that alcohol can surely help you swallow is a nasty pill of pride. She swallowed the remainder of her fourth glass.

As she made her way into the living room, she had prepared a script in her mind. Jasmine approached the scene intoxicated, but calculated. "Okay. Our girl is at Camp X-Ray of Guantanamo Bay. So, when do we leave?"

Valery shot right up off the couch. "What? How did you figure that out? Agatha couldn't even trace her whereabouts."

Malachi held up his hands. "Baby, are you sure?" He knew his wife was drunk, but she wasn't crazy.

Jasmine put a hand on her hip and said, "Of course, I'm sure. I'm your guarantor." She faced Valery. "Who do you think I got the information from? So, when do we leave? Maybe we should think of a plan before we just run up and start shooting."

* * *

Location: Guantanamo Bay detention camp

Address: PSC 1005, Box 25, FPO AE, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 09593

Date: 11/15/ 2015

Time: 10:45 a.m.

There was a lovely tune being hummed in the yard. Like from a child, it was an enjoyable melody; the type that makes you want to join in. It put a smile on the guard's face. He was dressed in military fatigues with an assault rifle in his hands. It was his daily duty to walk Prisoner 387. There were 114 detainees on sight, but this prisoner of war bothered him greatly. Mainly because his eyes saw a female, and a Caucasian one at that. The only one of its kind on the prison site. However, the prisoner had an internment serial number, which meant she was the property of the United States.

Because of this prisoner's appearance, isolation was a necessity. She was in Camp X-Ray, a site that had been previously shut down. It was now established as a special detainment unit for unique cases such as the Arlington Anomaly.

She was wearing an orange jumpsuit with a white mask over her face. The mask made it easier for the guards to dehumanize her. As if her behavior wasn't bizarre enough, Prisoner 387 had a strange childlike demeanor about her. The guard heard her giggle as she looked up into the sky.

"My friends are here."

The prisoner would often say bizarre things to herself, especially under her breath. Always muttering about past events that wouldn't even tie in with her character. Prisoner 387 didn't have a viable name, her fingerprints had been burned off, and it didn't help that every couple of hours she would introduce herself with a different name and a new personality.

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