Eleventh Chapter

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Location: Unknown

Address: Unknown

Time: Unknown

Date: Unknown

The room was only filled with four people; two people sitting across the table from two other people. Jessica and Valery sat together, and across from them were Maria Aramburuzabala and George Soros. The Board had two more targets that needed to be handled. They wanted to express to Valery the urgency of the situation at hand.

George was the first to speak. "Valery, Jessica, you two have been doing amazing work. We are thoroughly impressed." The ladies thanked him for the compliment.

"Today we want to talk to you about why we are fighting so hard with the opposition. You see, Val, there are plenty of secret societies like Anonymous, like The Board, like us. Maria and I are actually a part of these other societies where we discuss how to gain power within America." Valery was listening with the strongest intent. This was her chance to decipher the true character of George Soros. "We discuss who we give power to, and what we do with these powers. A lot of these societies are disguised as think tanks, fraternities, political parties, universities, foundations, businesses, advocacy groups, or whatever. Their behavior generates public policy and public activity."

Valery noticed how perfectly still this man was, staring back at her. She could tell he wanted her to believe every word.

"Back in Hungary my father was a Freemason, and so was his father before him. So, I am a Mason by blood. I have sat in rooms along with many Freemasons in my day, some of which have a stranglehold on the media and politics. Within recent years, there has been a lot of plotting to establish a New World Order."

No one in that room was ignorant of the phrase 'New World Order'. Hearing the phrase, Valery felt like she stepped into The Twilight Zone.

"And we are now witnessing the beginning phases of it. I would know, because I helped indoctrinate the plan. First, the media separates the U.S population based on race, class, religion, and political affiliation. That is why we are seeing the tragedy of the Trayvon Martin situation, the Eric Garner situation, The Mike Brown situation, so on and so forth."

Valery always felt overly conscious about the media's interactions with these stories. Why these specific people, when hundreds of others experienced the same thing? Shelby was killed by a cop, and there was no one marching for her. Or was that a selfish thought?

"These news circuses are designed to make people angry at one another; keeping them distracted by fighting amongst themselves. Me, personally, it is my duty to finance the protestors, and that's how I play into it."

He finally admitted his involvement in the scheme. She had questions for him. Was he a double agent? What makes him play both sides to this fight?

"What this is all leading up to are multiple race riots. These race riots will then lead to a race war. This race war will lead to millions of black lives being put into prisons and FEMA camps. This action will trigger the population on the left to rebel. And with this rebellion will follow a civil war. Within this civil war, both sides will be wiped out on their battlefields by UAVs. This will make it seem like they are killing each other off. It's population control; population control under the mask of civil war. This will last for years until the population has reduced to a number that can be easily controlled. After victory has been announced, we will see a new political party come above the fallen America, and this will be the New World Order."

She held her questions. She looked at Jessica; she'd probably heard the same message before. The intent of Anonymous has become clear. They were for America.

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