The Awesomeness That Is Ash's Loofa

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At this moment in time I have never felt so in love. It was like every piece of the puzzle fell into place. Colton's lips on mine felt right in every way.

We both pulled away slowly, leaned our forehead against each other's , and he looked into my eyes. I had no idea what to say.

Then, finally, He grabbed my hands, "So, am I finally getting my yes?" he whispered .

This time I didn't hesitate, "Yes, absolutely, yes."

A smile graced his lips and he pressed them against mine again. Just like the first time my insides melted and every intelligent thought I had in my mind before, was thrown to the wind.

His arms snaked around my waist and mine hugged his neck. Oh gosh, I wish I could feel like this all the time. Everything was just perfect.

We pulled apart for the second time and just stood there in each others arms.

"Colton." I said softly.


"When did you realize, that you know, you liked me the way you do."

He chuckled softly, "Well, it was probably around the time that Phillip and Cari started dating. That's when I realized that I wanted what they had, and that's when I started looking at you differently. Either that or when I asked you about, that guy, and you started breaking down in the elevator. That's when I figured out that you needed someone To be completely there for you unconditionally."

I nodded and he asked me, "When did you get the hots for me?"

I giggled a little, "Well I always thought you were cute and was always attracted to you. But I guess I figured out that I wanted to be with you, relationship wise, a couple of minutes ago."

He pulled me closer and I heard him laugh, "Better late then never."

"Whitney's face when she finds out we are together is going to be priceless."

Colton reached a hand up to stroke my hair and said, "I'll bet, Phillip is going To be just as excited as will Cari."

"Probably. I kinda don't want to tell them....."

"You know we have to, they're just gonna find out anyways."

"Maybe not."

"In Every book I've ever read about a secret romance they always get busted. "

I looked at him strangely, "You read romance novels?"

He blushed, "No......"

I laughed and playfully hit his chest, "You're blushing! You're blushing!"

He pushed me away blushing more, "Shut up."

I laughed harder, "Alright, I'm gonna go back and see if Whitney is out of the shower."

He nodded, "I want to be there when you tell her."

"Okay, how about we tell them at breakfast tomorrow?"

He stroked his hair, "Alright, and Ash, if you want you can come back and stay with me."

I smiled, "Okay, but I'll stay with Whitney tonight."

"That's fine." he said as I started towards the door.


"Bye, Good night."

I walked out of his room shutting the door behind me. As soon as I saw the hallway was empty a goofy grin broke out on my face and I twirled around in a circle.

Just By Random (A Colton Dixon Love Story) 1Where stories live. Discover now