Body vs. Mind

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I walked out of the room feeling relived, like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. Jimmy had loved my song choice!

I sat down on a couch outside of the room. Next to me was Whitney and on my other side Skylar Laine. If you recall we had hung out together in Hollywood week, so we were already pretty close.

"She told me about last night." Skylar said in her thick drawl gesturing at Whitney.

I looked down, "I don't want to talk about it." I said through gritted teeth.

"Well," Skylar said, "He's starring at you."

I quickly looked up and met his gorgeous brown eyes. the second he realized I was looking he tried to mouth something to me, but I looked back down just as quickly.

Whitney sighed, "She is in denial, she so wants him."

I glared at her as Colton was called in to see jimmy and Phillip walked over to us.

"You've broken his heart." he said wiggling between Skylar and I.

"No I haven't, he is a man he will get over it."

He shook his head, "He really likes you Ash."

"So I've heard."

"but how could you turn him down!"

"I'm tired of having this conversion, Phillip!" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"He's not going to give up on you, and face it, you need someone to be there for you."

I stood up and moved to another couch, Phillip shook his head and Whitney and Skylar rolled their eyes.

Phillip And the girls kept pestering me about my bad decision making. In the middle of their lecture Colton walked out from seeing jimmy and we went dead silent.

"Well don't let me intrude." Colton said jokingly sitting next to me. I tensed up. It was a really awkward moment, no one was talking and I had stopped breathing.

When I realized I wasn't inhaling I took in a big breath and moved closer to the end of the couch opposite of Colton.

He turned To look at me, I thought for a moment he was going to speak to me. He looked away, guess not.

Deep inside I just wanted things to be the way that they used to be. Before it was all complicated and Colton had told me exactly how he felt, In excruciating detail.

Skylar got called in next and I got up to use the bathroom. I didn't actually end up going to the bathroom I just kind of wandered around the building To escape the awkwardness that oozed between me and colton.

I was turning around a corner when I felt I hand on my shoulder. I yelped and jumped around to look at the person. The one and only Colton Heart Throb Dixon.

I turned back around and he got in front of me. "Ash, if you don't want to go out with me that's fine, but I don't want to let this ruin what we already had going."

I looked at my feet, I had no idea how to respond, "Um, yeah, okay."

He continued to stand there, "For real, it would be a shame to let our friendship go down the drain after one epic mistake."

Ouch, he called it a mistake, that kinda stung a little bit, but at the same time I get what he means. I looked up at him, "Alright, we could try to just go back to how we were before."

He nodded and I could tell we were both thinking the same thing, things could never be exactly like they were.

We silently walked back To where the other contestants were and sat next to each other. Phillip gave Colton a curious look and Colton responded with a thumbs up. Phillip smiled and whispered to Whitney.

Whitney just looked at me and Skylar came out from seeing jimmy, Whitney was called in next.

After about thirty minutes we had all seen jimmy and were rushing out of the building desperate for fresh air.

Whitney looked stressed, "I have to learn a whole new guitar piece because jimmy made me change my song."

I looked at her sympathetically, "He loved my song......"

She scowled at me, "Lucky you." She grumbled. Phillip patted her back, "If it makes you feel any better he didn't like mine either."

She shook her head, "It doesn't." I chuckled at my friends misery as we got close to the car. I made a note not to mess with Whitney tomorrow, she'll probably be working all day tomorrow so she can learn the new song by Saturday when we record vocals for ITunes.

Colton and Phillip got into the van and Whitney and I got into the little car we had gotten as of last night.

"So Colton talked to you?" Whitney asked putting the car in reverse and backing out of the parking spot. I shrugged, "He said he made a mistake and wanted to go back to being friends again."

Whitney smiled and nodded. I looked at her as we turned on to the road, "I'm going to borrow the car and go shopping after we get you to the hotel."

"Alright. Where are you going?"

"The Apple store." I said messing with my thumbs.


"I need To buy Colton a new laptop."

Whitney smirked, "He's going to like that, a lot."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah yeah yeah, I promised him."

"Whatever." Whitney said smiling turning the radio on.

The rest of the ride was silent, when we got to the hotel Whitney jumped out of the car and I got into the drivers seat, putting the car in drive.

I tapped my fingers as I Sang along to the radio, ten minutes later I pulled into the parking lot and walked into the apple store.

I walked around looking for a cheap yet expensive looking laptop.

finally I found a really cool one that was just a little bit out of my price range. But before I Headed back to the hotel I swung by a sporting goods place and picked him up the hat I told him I'd get.

I bought it and headed back to the hotel.

When I got there I went straight up to Colton and I's room. He was laying on the bed sleeping, he looked like a little angel. Wait, forget I said that.

I shook him a little bit and then started poking his cheeks, "Colton? I have a surprise for you."

He lazily opened his eyes, "What?" he groaned.

"Get in a better mood or I'm keeping the surprise."

He peeled himself off the bed and rubbed his eyes trying To put a smile on his face, "What's the surprise?"

I held out my two bags.

"Aw sweet!" he said taking the bags and opening them. "This is awesome." he commented putting his new hat on his head. He got to the second bag and pulled out the laptop immediately taking it out of the box.

He hugged me and I felt a warmness in the pit of my stomach.

"Thank you!" He said turning the laptop on, "I'd thought you'd forgotten."

"How could I forget? I have that guilt of breaking your old one pinned on my back."

He laughed and the machine started to power up. I sat down and he sat next To me on his bed.

I took my phone out of my pocket and set it on the bed next to me.

I turned back to look at Colton and he was looking at me, our faces were so close together that If I leaned forward the slightest I would meet his lips. And every nerve in my body was telling me to do it, but my mind was protesting like I couldn't believe.

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