So Pissed Off

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The rest of the day was filled with all the other contestants poking and teasing us about our relationship, and about how cute of a couple we were. It was driving me crazy. Colton, on the other hand, was lapping up the attention, appreciating every comment.

I was pacing the hotel room, practicing singing my song and wincing every time I messed up. "You sound fine." Colton said wrapping his arms around me, stopping my steps. "No, did you hear how strained my voice sounded?" I said, my tense muscles relaxing as they were engulfed in his body heat. He shook his head, "Nope."

I sighed, "Then you must be deaf. I wish I had picked another song, I thought I would have been able to pull this off, but...." I shook my head in defeat and he squeezed me tighter and then let me go, "You just need to take a rest and try again later when you're relaxed. "

I shrugged, "I guess you're right. It couldn't hurt." He smiled and walked over to the sliding glass doors that lead to the balcony and opened them stepping outside. I walked towards him and breathed in the fresh air. "I

Wish I could go back home," I said, "Just lay out in my backyard with my cat and my sister and watch the airplanes fly by."

I leaned against the railing next to him and he took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "Yeah, I miss my family. Every Sunday we'd always get up early and go to church, not much free time to do that anymore."

I nodded, "And free time is just going to get even more rare as the competition goes on. I think getting eliminated is going to be pretty bittersweet for me. I'll be devastated that I didn't win, but at the same time relived that I can go home and see my family, and just have some free time to relax."

He hooked and arm around me and pulled me closer, "You're not going to get eliminated, Ash. I honestly think you're going to win. You or me." I shook my head, "Definitely you Colt, I don't stand a chance against you guys, I bet I make it to the top four before I go home."

He smiled at me, "You're too modest, I bet on top two." I raised my eyebrows, "Wanna put money on it?" He nodded,smirking, "Sure, I bet thirty bucks you make it to the top two."

"And I bet thirty bucks I don't. Deal." I said laying my hands across the cool metal railing. Colton sighed, "Remember when you tried to push me over this railing?" I nodded, "Good times, good times."

He laughed, "It was not! I was scared for my life, you tried to push me off from twelve stories up!" I giggled looking back at the harsh memory, "And I would have too if Whitney and Phillip hadn't intervened and saved your butt."

He looked over the railing, "And thank God they did, it's a long way down...... A REALLY long way down.... I could've died...." I stuffed my hands in my sweatshirt pocket, "Yeah, I miss Whitney."

"What about Lola?"

I shrugged, "Oh yeah, her too."

He laughed, "Can you say favoritism five times fast?" I laughed along with him, "I've just grown closer to Whitney over this expirience, that's all." He kissed my temple and his phone went off.

He removed his arm from me and looked at the text message. His eyes shifted as he read it.

"Who is it?"

He looked up, "My ex girlfriend." my eyebrows shot up, "Oh really? And what's her name?"

He locked his phone and put it away, "Gwen." I walked away from the railing, "And what does Gwen look like?" he rolled his eyes, "Ash, It doesn't matter."

I glared at him, "I just want to know what she looked like........ Is she blonde?"

He ran a hand through his hair, "No."

I starred at him, "Really? Because I think she's blonde."

"She's not blonde. Her hair is black."

"Is she pretty?" I asked suspiciously. "Yeah. Her eyes were like perfect blue orbs."

"Was she nice?" I asked getting kinda angry.

He didn't seem to notice, "She was so sweet. I was in denial after she broke up with me for like a month."

Jealousy flared up inside of me. "So you still have feelings for her!"

He finally seemed to get that I was pissed off, "No, I don't we're through!"

"Then why do you talk about her like she's a freaking goddess!" I yelled and this time Colton yelled back, "Do you have no faith in me! I don't have any feelings for her romantically anymore!"

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, because I'm sure that's true!" He slammed his hands on the railing, "If you can't trust me to be faithful to you then you don't know me at all!"

I couldn't even speak, I was so pissed off. I stormed into the room and he continued to yell at me. I tuned him out but one sentence broke through as I was halfway out the door.

"Then why are we even together!?"

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