Partners in Love

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Cari ended the performance with her ground breaking vocals, "Change your mind....."

The judges faces were unreadable. "Alright," Randy said after conversing awhile with the other two judges, "Cari, Skylar, and Colton step forward."

Oh crap.

Jennifer smiled, "Randy what was the significance of that?! You all got through!"

I started screaming and tugging on Colton's scarf while he started laughing. "You're pretty excited for a person who didn't even want to audition in the first place."

I was all smiles as I walked off the stage, "You too Colton, you too."

"I can't believe I got though!" Cari squealed. "I was so nervous! I was shaking during the whole performance."

Skylar smiled, "Well it wasn't noticeable, if it was they probably wouldn't have passed you."

Phillip whacked her arm, "Don't tell her that!"

We all laughed Still giddy from the good news. Just as we sat down in the seats positioned behind the judges Whitney, Lola, Schyler, Heejun, and Hollie's group was called.

They stood confidently on the stage, all in cute little dresses, well except Heejun. Party pooper.

"What will you guys be singing?" Jennifer asked.

Lola spoke into the microphone, "Criminal by Brittany Spears."

The judges looked a little overwhelmed at the song choice but they didn't say anything about it and the music came blaring out from the speakers.

They did great, Lola messed up a couple of times, which isn't like her, but the other members of the group did a good job covering for her.

Colton leaned over closer To me from our seats in the performance room where we had permission to linger and watch our friends, "I'm worried about Lola." he muttered.

I rubbed my hands together nervously, "Don't be, she'll be fine." Colton looked doubtful still. And Phillip who overheard the conversation looked wary as well.

'Dont worry Lola is great they'll pass her even if she messes up.' I told myself.

The music died down and I was now hanging onto Colton's hand like a life line.

"You all did really well, but Lola it seemed like you stumbled a bit." Randy said as Lola bowed her head. 

"But I see potential."

A little glimmer of hope just appeared in my mind. "But unfortunately potential isn't going to be enough for us to keep on passing you."

I dug my nails into Colton's arm.

"But we will give you another chance just because that potential shines so bright. But as I said it won't be enough next time, you'll have to step it up."

Steven smiled, "Go ahead you all got though!"

Colton looked over at me smiling which drew a weak grin from my lips. "I told you she would be fine." I said.

Colton smiled more and stood up prying my finger nails from his arm. "Look at that! That's gonna scar." he said looking at the places my nails had marked his arm.

"Im sorry." I gave him what I hoped was a heart melting apologetic face.

An emotion I couldn't quite place crossed his face an he smiled again, "I guess you could be forgiven, but just this once."

Just then I felt arms wrap around me and floral perfume reached my nose. "I was so worried I was gonna get eliminated! I can't believe I made it through!"

I turned around To look at Lola, "I was so scared for you just ask Colton."

She raised her eyebrows looking at Colton. He showed her his arm and where I had damaged it, "She was extremely nervous."

"Dang girlie, don't scar the gorgeous boy!"

I blushed red and Colton threw his head back cracking up.

Whitney and Hollie skipped over next talking about how they fought over what song to do and blah blah blah. It looked like Phillip was making friends with Heejun and the judges were saying something to Schyler.

After about five minutes we were all getting in the elevator, going into our rooms, and then Colton, Schyler, Whitney, Lola, and I were gonna head out for dinner.

We stepped out on our floor when Phillip turned to me, "Can I come with you guys to dinner, if I'm not too much trouble?" he said winking.

I rolled my eyes, "yes Phillip."

"Can I bring Cari?"

Ohhhh a brewing romance. "Of course.."

Phillip grinned a bit a turned around, "Hey Cari!" he called.

She looked over her shoulder, "Yeah Phill?"

"We are all heading out to dinner if you want To come along?"

She smiled at Phillip, "Sure. Let me get changed first.

Phillip nodded and went to his own room to freshen up.

Colton and I entered out room quickly. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" he said wiggling his eyebrows.

"I think I am!"

"Should we take on this task or hire the professionals?" he said winking.

"hmmmmm..... I think we should do it."

"Partners in love."

"How about partners In crime?"

He shook his head, "Absolutely not."

"Fine just partners."

He nodded and dramatically said, "Partners."


We were quiet for about five seconds before we were consumed by uncontrollable laughter.

Two minutes later we were finally calming down, "But seriously we've got to get Phillip and Cari together."

"Agreed," he said, "But you probably know more about this than I do."

Colton pulled off his shirt to put a fresh one on, well I wasn't expecting that! My throat closed up and my heart started beating faster. I was just starring at him.

He pulled on a new shirt and turned to look at me as he opened the door, "Are you okay?"

"Fine." I answered walking out of the door and towards the elevators where we would be meeting the rest of our group.

I was cursing Colton for making me get all goofy. I hate the way he makes me love him.

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