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I opened the door hesitantly. "My parents are here, in my room." Colton said sounding nervous. I nodded, "I know, I saw them through the peep hole." Colton shoved his hands in his pockets, "Do you wanna come overand say hi?" I twisted my hands, a nervous habit of mine, "Um, sure."

He took my hand and led me across the hallway to his room while I foucased my vision on the carpet. He pulled out his room key and I took a deep breath. The key was pushed into the electronic lock and his hand was removed from mine. As the door opened I heard a conversation going on inside his room, but the second his parents set eyes on me it went quiet. We walked farther into the room and Colton closed the door behind us.

Schyler jumped up, trying to break the awkward but failing miseribly, and ran over to me pulling me into a hug. "Ash! I've missed you so much!" I hugged her back, "Ditto girlie." As we let go of eachother I could feel his parents eyes on me.

Colton cleared his throat, "Um mom, dad, this is my girlfriend Ash. Ash this is my mom, Theresa, and my dad, Mike." I forced a smile through my awkwardness and held out my hand to Mr. And Mrs. Dixon.

Theresa looked me over and shook my hand, "Nice to meet you." I smiled, "Its a pleasure to meet you as well." Mike grinned and grasped my hand. 'Okay,' I thought, 'So far, so good.' "So, you're the girl from the picture?" His mom asked, my smile wavered a bit, "Um, Yeah."

She nodded but didn't respond. Mike quickly changed the subject, "So, Ash, are your parents here?" I shook my head, "No, they are coming to visit when and if the top nine and I move into the mansion."

"Confident on making it that far?" Schyler said smirking. I shrugged, letting out an awkward chuckle, "I feel like if I keep saying it, it will come true. Plus also I like to look on the optimistic side." Schyler nodded, "I hope my brother makes it there with you." She said motioning to Colton. He grinned, "I'm definatley going to try."

His parents smiled at him, obviously proud of the way their son turned out, and he smiled back. I took a seat at the table and Colton leaned back against the wall. "When do you guys have to leave and get ready for the show?" Mrs. Dixon asked, checking the time. Colton answered, "In about twenty minutes." She nodded and motioned to her luggage, "We should probably go to our room to unpack and clean up. Can we meet with you guys after the show?" I nodded,."Yeah, if you want we could all go out to dinner. Colton?" He nodded, "Sounds good to me. What about y'all?" His family all eagerly agreed and left shortly afterwards.

I turned to look at Colton, after they had gone, and let out a large breath. "That was nerve wrecking." He agreed, "But they seem to like you, I mean I had a feeling they would but still." I got up and walked towards him, pulling me into a hug. "I have a feeling things probably won't go down as smooth with my parents..."

He winced, "Don't say that..... What happened to looking on the optimistic side?" I laughed, "What happened to honesty?" He just shook his head, "Now im kinda hoping I don't make the top nine..." I smacked his arm, "Never say that! You're gonna win this thing."

"If one of us is gonna win, it will probably be you."

"I doubt I'll even make the top two.""

He looked me in th eyes, "Again, what about the optism you were talking about earlier? And if you don't make the top two, I'll give you fifty bucks." I smirked, "For real?!" He nodded, "Yup."

"Well now I really wanna be in the top two..."

He laughed and we spent the rest of our time contemplating how far each contestant would make it in the race to becoming the next American Idol.

A couple hours later I was standing in the middle of the Idol stage clutching a silver microphone. My song began to play and I started to sing my rendition. Over all, The judges and I thought I did very wel, but I died inside when they brought up how my voice got shaky on the bridge.

Just By Random (A Colton Dixon Love Story) 1Where stories live. Discover now