Pizza, Pandas, and Strawberry Hand Sanitizer

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The rental car smelled really good, like strawberries or something. I'm gonna sound like such a dork but I spent the entire car ride looking for a car air freshener while answering Colton's questions.

We pulled up to our hotel, it was really big. We all piled out after we parked and I swear I could still smell strawberries even after I was out of the car. I walked next to colton and sniffed him.

"What are you doing?" he asked obviously freaked out.

"Why do smell like strawberries?" I asked freaked out as well.

"On the plane some sticky goop got on my hand and I wiped it off with a napkin and used Schylers strawberry hand sanitizer."

"What was the goop?"

"We don't know."


"We don't know."

"Ewwww. Remind me I never hold your hand."

He rolled his eyes, "You'll just be missing out."

"On a guy that uses strawberry hand sanitizer? I think I'll pass."

"Shut up."

I started cracking up. No body else did. Colton didn't find it funny and the girls were having an animated discussion about honey bears with Schyler.

Whitney turned around, "Are you okay?"

I choked back my laughter and gave her a thumbs up, "I'm awesome."

Whitney whispered some thing to Lola. Gosh I'm creeping everyone out today.

We opened the doors to the hotel an stepped onto the shiny marble floors.  

Colton right away strutted over to the front desk to check us in.

"Schyler, your brother just like swaggered over there."

Schyler rolled her eyes, "He does that when he's confident."

Okay, what on Earth is he confident about. I just stole his man card outside. Weirdo.

Five minutes later Colton had us all checked in and ready to go. "We are on floor 12 along with, the lady said, some other idol contestants."

"Cool! I wanna make more idol friends." I said, "And if I'm friends with someone who gets famous afterwards I'll get perks!"

Schyler rolled her eyes, "There are hundreds of people here, what are the odds you'll select the one or two soon to be famous people to be friends with?" 

"Besides me and Sky, of course we will be famous." Colton joked swinging an arm around his sister.

"It's possible guys!"

I tuned everyone out in the elevator, they were just talking about stupid things. Like global warming and pandas. I really hate pandas. Don't ask, I don't know why.

"One time I saw a little baby panda eating bamboo with its little tiny paws! It was so cute!" guess who said that? If you said Colton you were correct...

Jk it was Lola, Colton's not a total wuss.

We had two rooms right next to each other. The three girls walked into one and left the other room to me and Colton. Awkward. I wasn't expecting that. I guess Whitney and Lola's scheme to get me with Colton was a go.

To bad it wouldn't work. I will be civilized and calm even if there's a super sexy man sleeping in the bed across from me. *shiver*

"I guess it's you and me." Colton said inserting the room key into the lock. It flashed green and we opened the door to find a room that was just a little bit nicer than your average hotel room.

"It's pretty nice," Colton said setting the luggage down on the floor.

I kicked off my shoes and shouted, "I CALL THIS BED!" I ran to the bed by the window an jumped on it.

Colton cracked up as I continued to jump. Eventually I calmed down and started putting our bathroom stuff in the bathroom.

Colton had many hair products. "Colton you erm have a lot of hair stuff."

Colton stuck his head in the bathroom, "this hair doesn't just happen girl."

"yeah yah yeah your precious Mohawk."

"Technically it's a faux hawk!" Colton responded.

"You are the only guy that would care to know the difference." I shouted to him.

I could feel him sticking his tongue out at me. "Watch it!"

I laughed arranging my stuff on one side of the counter and Colton's on the other. If you were wondering, yes, surprisingly my stuff did take up more room.

"Hey," I called out, "What are you thinking about for dinner?"

I walked out of the bathroom as Colton held up a menu, "Room service?"

"Sure, I'll take pizza."

He skimmed over them menu, "They have crab, lobster, and various pastas, but not pizza."

"Um, DELIVERY! Colton use your head!"

He stuck his tongue out and looked through the phone book for a pizza place.

"Hello? Yes, can we get a large pepperoni pizza and a medium order of hot buffalo wings."

I Watched Colton order the food. I wonder exactly what goes into doing his hair in the morning.

"Yeah that'll be it. Thanks." Colton hung up the phone and looked at me, "You're paying."

"What! Why?"

"Because you are the one that wanted pizza and I'm older than you so I get to chose."

"How do you know you're older than me?"

"How old are again?" he asked mockingly



Damn. "I'll pay half."

"Fine fair enough."

After 45 minutes the pizza arrived In the lobby and Colton brought it up.

I ate like a pig and I could tell Colton was amused. "You are eating like a wild animal." he teased. I stick my tongue out at him, unfortunately for him I still had food in my mouth.

"Ew, you sicko!"

I laughed as he dug into the wings. I grabbed one and popped it into my mouth.

"CRAP!!! Hot hot hot hot!" I screamed jumping up To get water from the sink.

It wasn't working! Where's milk when you need it? "Ugh! Stupid none cooling water!"

I walked back into the room with my mouth hanging open to try and Create a Cooling effect.

Colton laughed at my situation, "Ash you are a card!" he laughed throwing a crumpled napkin at me.

His laugh was so beautiful and It light up his whole face and made his eyes sparkle. I couldn't help it I started laughing too.

I saw Schyler look into our room (we had doubles of each room key and given them TO each other) and smirk before her mouth formed an "O" and she closed the door quietly.

Whatever she could think we were flirting, I don't care. I was having way to much fun cracking up with the beautiful boy next to me.

Just By Random (A Colton Dixon Love Story) 1Where stories live. Discover now