Protologue. -Will.-

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~Disclaimer: I unfortunately do not, own Merlin. All the characters from the TV series 'Merlin' belong to the BBC. Any other Characters/Stuff that wasn't in the show, I have made up and are mine.~

Edited (terribly), 2021.

Merlin's P.O.V.

I ran down the sandy village path and past the baker's house, trying to avoid the stones and pebbles being thrown at me. One grazed my face and I cried out, tripping over a log and crashing into the grass. I didn't waste time though, quickly getting back up and running into my mother's house.

I rushed inside and slammed the door closed behind me, breathing a sigh of relief. My mother, Hunith, walked out from her room. Uh, oh.

"Merlin! What have I told you about slamming doors you know-" she gasped when she saw me. I had a black eye - guessing by the pain - two bruised arms and face, some scratches on my legs as well. She ran up to me with concern filled eyes. I hated her seeing me like this, it made me feel guilty.

"What did they do to you?" She exclaimed, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. I looked down, ashamed. She deserved better than me. Who wanted a freak child? A child who had no friends and was hurt because he was born with magic?

"They were throwing stones at me again..." I mumbled hoping she wouldn't hear me, but she did. The village kids were cruel and their parents obviously hadn't raised them to be anything more.

She pulled me over to a table with some bandages on it. This had become a sort of sick routine nowadays. "I'm sorry." I said, trying not to cry as she dabbed healing medicine on my cuts and scratches.

"Why are you apologizing?"She asked, looking confused. "This isn't your fault." Her eyebrows were knotted together tightly and I could already assume the words she'd be having to those parents later on.

I was only twelve, but I understood perfectly well why those kids all hated me...

"Because I'm a monster, a freak." I said remembering what one of the boys in the group had called me on multiple occasions.

My mother looked at me with stern eyes. "Now Merlin, you listen to me. You are not a freak or a monster! Don't listen to what those people say. They are just scared of what they don't understand." She muttered the last part.

"Don't understand?" I questioned her.

She wrapped my sores up and put the stuff away. "They don't understand that magic can be used for good, so much as it is used for evil." She sighed. "Now, my boy, would you like to help me make dinner?"

I jumped up, forgetting about my sores, "Yes, please!" The pain striking my youthful body abruptly. Ow.


The next morning I woke up and walked into the woods, where my secret spot was. Not too deep in, if you knew where to go, there was a very big oak tree and I'd made a secret tunnel underneath it.

I slid into my little tree cave and walked forward towards a table I had carved with the help of a small, but sharp knife I carried with me. It was one of the only things my father had left behind before he went away.

I'd never met my father. He left before I was born. Mother didn't talk about him much, she just told me that he's dead.

I sat on my single carved chair and picked up my wooden box that I put my journal in.

I wrote down my latest entry. After that I was about to go further into my cave when I heard a noise from outside.

It sounded like someone walking so I poked my head out of the hole.

Sure enough, a little brown-haired boy who looked to be about my age sat down near a bush, staring at the ground.

He must've been new. I hadn't seen him before...

I snuck out of my cave, so that he didn't know where my hiding spot was. Even if this kid was new here, I didn't need him telling the other kids where I came to hide from them.

I got out and tip toed over to him. He looked up. "Who are you?" He asked.

I looked at him confused. Hadn't the other kids told him of me? Hadn't they warned him not to play with the freak kid?

"I-I'm Merlin." I said, looking at my feet. The boy stood up. "Well, I'm William, but  you can call me Will. I'm new, just got here." He reached out to shake my hand.

I stepped away from him, fear rippling through body. "What's wrong?" Will asked.

I shook my head, "You can't be friends with me. I'm a freak." I said matter-of-factly.

Will gave me a confused look. "Whatcha mean a freak?"

I bit my lip. I closed my hands, " Forñaßbæi." A butterfly came out of my hands.

Will gasped, "That was beautiful."
I blushed, "Your not afraid of me like the other village kids?" I asked, hope clear in my voice.

He shook his head at me, "Nah, you don't look like you would hurt anyone besides in self-defense."

I smiled a goofy smile at him. I had finally made a friend.

Also I know that Arthur wasn't in this chapter but thats for a reason my little Merlinions! I wanted the start to be about how Merlin met Will, so yeah!

~849 Words!

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