Chapter Three. Part 2. -The stocks.-

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I OWN MERLIN! HE'S ALL MINE!!!! MWAHAHHAHA!!!! Not. Pffft! I WISH! I don't own Merlin.:'(
By the way...I'm so so so sooooo sorry that I updated late! So...DOUBLE UPDATE!!♥♡♥♡♥

Still Third Person P.O.V.

Merlin stopped talking to Arthur about ten minutes ago and he hadn't come yet. Every minute to Merlin felt like hours.

He'd started to worry about what Arthur would do about his magic. Would he kill him?? Would he tell his father?? Would he make him leave Camelot!?? He couldn't leave Camelot! It was his home now!

Arthur had said he would change the laws when they were kids but, Arthur is not king. He can't. His father wouldn't listen before so why would he listen now? And even so...they were just kids. They were näive to think everything would be fine.



Merlin put his head to the floor. But couldn't figure out where the voice was...

He suddenly heard the sound of faint foosteps. 'Arthur! ' He thought. But was proved wrong when Gaius came into view. The old man had two emotions on his face, upon arriving at his cell. One was anger. And one was relief.

Merlin frowned. "Merlin! Didn't I tell you not to get into trouble!? I--uh Merlin, why do you look so upset? It's not that bad you've only been in here for a night."

"It's nothing Gaius. Thank you so so sooooo much for getting me out!" Merlin said.

Gaius grimaced, " There is one, tinsy, tiny thing you have to do..."
Merlin's smile fell.

He laughed as another rotten tomato was thrown at his face.

"You were very brave today." Said a girl beside Merlin.

She was carrying a basket. She looked to be someone working in the royal house hold. She was fairly pretty, her dress was a light purple colour with black patterned string lacing around it.

'How did this girl think what I did was brave?' He thought, 'more like...embarrassing...'

"It was stupid." Grumbled Merlin.

"Oh, no, no, no. The village people thought you were very brave. Arthur is a bully and people should stand up to him more often." She reassured.

"I'm Gwenivere, but you can call me Gwen. I'm lady Morgana's maid." 'Gwen...hmm...a pretty name for a pretty girl...' Merlin mused.

"Nice to meet you Gwen. I'm Merlin but must people call me idiot. I'm working for Gaius." The secret warlock laughed.

Gwen laughed, "Oh, i like a man with humor. N-not that I meant I liked you! I just mean your funny and...uh...yeah..." she said awkwardly. "So...your the ward Gaius was talking about."

"Yeah." Merlin said.

Gwen smiled, "Well, no offense Merlin...but you don't seem like the type of person to fight someone."

Merlin had a smug grin on his young face. "Oh yeah? I could beat three people at once." He said, referring to his magic of course. Not that he would tell her that.

Gwen laughed, "I'm sure you could." She replied in a disbelieving tone.

Merlin winced as and apple was thrown at his head. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked her.

"Well...Arthur is one of those strong, tough, save the world kinda guys and" She said gesturing towards Melrin.

Merlin grinned his goofy grin, "That's because I'm in disguise! 'Its not completely a lie.' He thought. She just laughed, shaking her head.

Merlin sighed as a big group of kids came up with baskets of rotten, chunky fruit. "Well, I hope to see you around sometime but right now my fans are waiting."

Gwen just giggled, "See you around Merlin."

Arthur paced up and down his room. He didn't know what to do! Merlin had magic. He also had a very noble heritage! He couldn't just let that slide!

But what was he supposed to do!? He couldn't tell his father, when it came to magic there was no reasoning with him.

He also didn't want to start a war...if Merlin did die by Arthur's father, then there would be a war between Camelot and Diemai.

Arthur had seen Morgana try alot of times to reason with him. They never worked. He could tell her. 'She won't tell father.' He thought. And before he knew it, he was at her chambers. He knocked twice. "Enter." Morgana called through the door.

"Good evening Morgana." Arthur said. They sat down on her bed and as usual, she could tell something was wrong.

"What's wrong Arthur? You seem troubled."

"Yes. I am. Well you see..." He explained the whole Merlin thing to her, about his magic and the laws of Camelot. But he didn't tell her about Merlin's other secret. Once he had explained it all the most unexpected thing happened. She didn't seem surprised. Her only reaction was, "He talks to you as well?"

What is Arthur going to do??

What is Merlin hiding other than his magic??

Why didn't Merlin say he talked to Morgana as well??

And what/where is Diemai??

Why would a war start??

And finally,

Well hey my Lil Merlinions! Have some Merlin's specialy made soup! *Hands out soup made by Merlin.*
Also, I just wanted you to know that I know Merlin's not usually as easily tempered as he is in my book...but he is only eighteen and I thought that he could have more of a temper, just a little one for fun.:-)

Anyway this is just a little filer thing I thought I'd write. Got no Escuse but I wanted to write it so...too bad. Deal with it dudes.

~937 Words.~

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