Chapter Eleven. -Amiphere's Warnings.-

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I dO nOt OwN mErLiN!

Merlin sat with the knights, answering their never ending questions.

Erebel had joined them as well. Suddenly the door swung open and Arthur rushed in. He ran up to Merlin and hugged him, "I'm so so so sorry!" He apologized.

Merlin was taken aback by this gesture. "I-it's fine Arthur..." he said, not sure what to do.

"No." Arthur said, "It isn't. She showed me Merlin! She showed me all your memories!"

Merlin froze. 'All my memories? No...wait. What?? She? Who was she?'

"She?" Merlin asked.

Arthur took in a deep breath, "Freya. The lady of the lake Avalon."

Merlin was shocked, "F-freya...?" He asked, quietly. Arthur nodded, sitting down now.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on??" Erebel yelled.

"There was a slave trader in Camelot once...they brought a druid girl with them. She was cursed though, she was attacked by this man and she killed him in self-defense. Then the man's mother was angry so she cursed her to turn into a cat thing with wings. She was cursed to kill people at midnight every night. But, I hid her from the slave trader. I loved her. And she loved me...but...but...A-arthur killed her. She died near lake Avalon." Merlin was sobbing by now.

Arthur looked down in shame. While Erebel looked ready to kill him and the Knights just looked shocked.

A while later. The Knights from Camelot and Diemai are in the training grounds. Along with Merlin's sister.

"Come on Sire! Show them who taught us how to fight!" Elliott said.

"Yeah, merls! Show 'em that you taught me!" Yelled Erebel, glaring at Arthur when she said, "You."

Merlin laughed, shaking his head. "Ok, ok. I haven't trained in a while, but don't go easy on me!" He said to Arthur.

Arthur laughed, 'I still don't believe that Merlin taught them!'

"Oh, you are going down!" Arthur said.

They circled each other, Arthur attacked first, the sound of metal on metal filling the area.

Merlin blocked it, then ran behind him, jabbing the but of the sword into Arthur's back.

Arthur let out a scream of pain, but kept fighting.

'Gee, he's stubborn.' Thought Erebel.

Gwaine wasn't watching the fight though. He was watching her. 'She's so beautiful...'  He thought.

Arthur kept attacking, never giving up.

Merlin side kicked his legs, sending him to the ground. Arthur looked up to see Merlin's sword, inching closer to his throat. He helped him up.

"Wow Merlin. You do know how to fight." Arthur laughed.

An hour later Merlin was dressed in his royal cloths. A dark blue cloak and a red t-shirt, black pants and a neckerchief. (He insisted.)

"Arthur, follow me. It's time to show you our leader, Amiphere." Merlin told him, dragging him away.

"Wait up Merlin! Jeez, where are you going??" Arthur asked, puffed out from all the running.

"Here we are!" Merlin exclaimed, after running for about ten more minutes.

"Where's here-OMG MERLIN! THERE'S A DRAGON! RUN!" Arthur panicked, about to turn and run.

The black and blue dragon chuckled, "So, Emrys. This is you beloved king?"

"Yep." Merlin said, poping the 'p'. "It's fine Arthur. She's Amiphere,  our leader."

Arthur hesitantly stood next to Merlin. "No, young warlock. You are the leader. You are the rightful heir to the throne. I am only your guide." Amiphere spoke.


"Yes, yes. Bravo young king. But we have a more urgent matter to discuss right now, thank you." Amiphere's voice dripping with sarcasm. "Emrys, Vivian has allied himself with Morgana Pendragon. She has captured Dianna. Your amry must take action soon." She warned.

Arthur huffed, in annoyance, but his jaw dropped when he heard Morgana's name. And who was Dianna?

"Yes, I thought this would happen. I've got a solution." He tried to smile.

Amiphere frowned at the warlock. "Emrys, do not be rash with your decisions. is either Arthur or Dianna." She said.

Merlin shook his head, "There is always another choice." He gave grim face.

Arthur looked very confused, "Um, hello!? Who is Dianna?? And what do you mean, 'There is always another choice'??" He asked.

Merlin started walking away, "I've got some stuff to take care of, Arthur. I'll talk more later."

When he left Arthur turned to Amiphere. "You know don't you?" He guessed.

The dragon nodded. "Young Pendragon...such a big destiny. Dianna is Merlin's love. And he means...he means that he could always sacrifice himself." She said.

"What? No! He can't do that! You have to stop him!" He panicked.

"No," She said, "You must stop him. Merlin is magic. The world needs him. If he dies, there will be no more magic. Take this," She gave him a piece of parchment with a spell on it. "You will know when to use it. The spell will reverse time. I understand that you are conflicted when it comes to must save Emrys." She warned.

Arthur nodded, "He has saved me more than enough times. Now its my turn to save him."

Omg guys! Do you actually like my book??

898 Words.

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