Chapter One. -Arthur.-

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Hey brilliant people! This chapter is dedicated to @Ladideath for inspiring me with her AMAZING Merlin fanfic! Go check it out! I hope you enjoy this chapter. I already have a few more chapters done! And today I will double update because this is a very short chappy!

Disclaimer- I don't own Merlin. *Silently Cries.*

(Sorry if what I write is Australian and not fully British because I have no idea what the complete difference is so :P)

Third Person P.O.V.(In further chapters, it will always be third person!)

"Mum! Mum! Come look!" Merlin yelled, dragging his new friend inside the small house.

Hunith smiled as she saw her son with another boy who wasn't throwing stones and sticks at him and/or yelling at him and calling him names.

"Mum, this is Will. He's new here. He doesn't care that I have magic mum! He said it's beautiful!"

Hunith ran to Will and hugged him. "Thank you." She wispered in the boy's ear.

Will smiled, happy knowing this meant a lot to his new friend and his mum.

~A few days later.~

Merlin sat in his cave. Will and him had played there every day since they met.

But Will couldn't play today...he had to do chores for his mum.

Merlin got up and climbed out of the cave. He turned to walk home. He walked half a meter before he felt a hand grab his neckerchief.

"There you are! You-you freak!" A ginger haired boy spat out. "Go away! No one wants a sorcerer in Ealdor! You're a monster!"

Merlin felt something stir inside him. He was NOT a sorcerer! And he was NOT EVIL! He was a warlock. He was born with his magic, Merlin heard Will's encouraging voice echo inside his head.

Merlin tried to hold back the tears in his eyes, he didn't know what to do...Will was usually the one who stood up for him when he got bullied.

The ginger smirked, "Aww is the evil wiwwle sorcerer gonna cry?" He mocked.

That's it! He thought. He felt something stir inside him again. Then with a sudden burst of anger Merlin let out an ear piercing scream, sending the boy flying into a tree.

Merlin gasped, realizing what he'd just done. He'd hurt someone with his magic! He really was an evil monster!

He ran into his cave and cried.

Help... He thought in his head, please. He didn't know who he was pleading to or why. He just was.

Hello? A voice replied. Merlin gasped. He wasn't expecting someone to actually answer!

H-hello, I'm M-merlin. He said between choked sobs.

I'm Arthur. What's wrong? Are you crying?

I-I hurt s-s-some one...

What do you mean? Why?

Th-they were t-teasing m-me. Because...


I'm a monster. A horrible,  horrible monster and I deserve to die!

A monster?? But you sound like a kid? How are you a monster?

Promise you won't tell anyone?

I promise.

I have magic.

...b-but how do you have magic? Magic is evil. Kids aren't evil.

I was born with it...I didn't mean to hurt him. I've never hurt anyone on purpose! I swear!

Hmm... okay. I believe you.
Why would the gods make someone born of magic?Why would they make someone born to be evil? Arthur thought.

You probably hate me...just like everyone else apart from Will.


He's my friend. He is the only one who doesn't mind my magic. He says it's beautiful. And that I'm special.

Well, maybe he's right...maybe my father was wrong about magic. Well, at least the ones born with it. Like you.

Merlin wondered to himself who the other boy's father was...

And so another friendship starts!

~Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed my very short update!




♥Thanks for reading!♥~
630 Words.

Edited 2021.

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