Chapter Six. -Remembering.-

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I love Merlin to bits! And he owns my heart!♥ But, the BBC owns him.:'(.

'Help...' A voice pleaded. Arthur was in the middle of eating his lunch, he stopped. He put his food down .

'Hello?' He replied. The voice gasped.

'H-hello, I'm M-merlin.' The boy said between choked sobs.

'I'm Arthur. What's wrong? Are you crying? ' Arthur's worried voice rang through both boys heads.

'I-I hurt s-s-some one...'

'What do you mean? Why?' Arthur's eleven year old brain didn't know what to say or do in this situation.

'Th-they were t-teasing m-me. Because...'

'What?' They? Arthur furrowed his brows, who were they'?

'I'm a monster. A horrible, horrible monster and I deserve to die!'

'A monster?? But you sound like a kid? How are you a monster?'

'Promise you won't tell anyone?'

'I promise.'


"...and shine!" Merlin's cheerful voice called, as he opened the curtains. Arthur glared at the sun, daring it to shine any brighter.

His head was pounding. 'What a weird dream...' He thought. Arthur sat down to eat his breakfast and Merlin stared at him in concern.

"What?" The king asked.

Merlin furrowed his brows, "You haven't insulted me...and you didn't complain when you got out of bed...and you haven't yelled at me for being late again..." He observed, with caution.

Arthur gave him a look that said, so?

"Are you ok Arthur?" Merlin asked. Arthur stopped eating.

"I'm fine. I just had a weird dream is all. You were there. But I couldn't see you, I only heard your voice. It was were in my head... and you were crying about hurting someone...and...and um, you wanted me to keep a secret...I can't remember what it was though..." Arthur trailed off.

Merlin's face went paler than usual. "Um...I'm sure it's nothing. You were probably being delusional. Someone's been having to much ale. " Merlin joked.

Arthur just rolled his eyes. 'He's right. It was nothing more than a dream. Yet, it felt so... Real.'

Merlin didn't know if he should tell him...maybe it's best if Arthur just remembered on his own...Merlin hoped he wouldn't be mad that Gaius and himself lied to him...But if Arthur was remembering... than Morgana probably was as well...'Oh, no! This is not good! What will happen when she knows I have magic?? Will she find out that I'm Emrys?? What if she catches wind that I'm a prince...??'

Maybe if he had made her remember sooner she wouldn't be like this...maybe he could have helped! No, there was nothing he could do.

"Merlin?" Arthur asked, pulling him from his thoughts.


"Ready the horses, the Knights from Diemai informed me yesterday evening that they had found there prince. We leave for their kingdom after training."

Merlin nodded, not sure if he should be worried or excited.

Arthur had actually stared at the knights in shock when they told him that they had found their hidden prince. They weren't even in Camelot for a night! That's when Arthur realized that they must have found him walking around the halls. It had to be someone with the perfect disguise...someone who worked in the castle...
(Hey! Sorry just a quick note! Uh...I didn't originally write this book to be cheesy and boring. So I'm sorry if Merlin being a prince has made it exactly that. Also I've had bad writer's block lately so yeah...sorry 'bout that mates!)

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