Chapter Nine. -Battle Plans.-

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I wish I owned Merlin...*sigh.* I don't.

Merlin walked around the tunnels thinking. He knew these tunnels off by heart. When he was a kid his father used to bring him here and make him remember every inch. Every wall, every secret passage, every room, everything.

His father had said that in a case of emergency they would come here and use it as a hide out, so when Merlin became king it was vital that he knew where everything was. Only him and his father new of this place...well...until now.

"Merlin!" A voice called. He turned around to see his mother Hunith, grinning with tears in her eyes.

She engulfed him in a hug. "My baby boy! I missed you so much!"

"Mum. Why did you never tell me...?" He asked, utterly heart broken.

Hunith sighed, understanding.  "I'm so sorry son. I couldn't. You would be in so much more danger...Vivian would find you...I couldn't loose you...not after Nicholas..." she started crying onto his shoulder.

"It's alright. I understand mum...we all miss him...he was so loved."

After Merlin chatted with Hunith about pretty much everything, Merlin said goodbye and walked towards the Diemai knight's chambers.

He knocked on a random door. "Enter." Elliott's voice rang through the door.

"Oh, Sire! I was wondering when you were going to come see us." Kellion said.

Elliott, Kellion and Harry were standing in front of him. "Kellion," Merlin warned, "you know I loath titles and formalities."

The knights just laughed, "Come. Sit sir-uh Merlin. We have a lot to discuss, don't we?" Said Harry.

Merlin spent the next hour talking to the knights about what had happened while he was at Camelot.

"...and then, I punched him and he put me in the stocks!" Merlin explained.

Elliott spat out his drink, it splashing all over Harry's face. He cringed in disgust. "Aww man! Elliott!"

"I just can't believe it! You meet the prince of Camelot, and the first thing you do is call him an ass...then you punch him!" Elliott gasped, completely ignoring Harry's comment and nearly falling off of his chair.

"Well, I better get going. For now I'm still Arthur's servent." Merlin replied, standing up.

"Merlin," Said Kellion, "be careful. I overheard the knights and Arthur talking about you. They grow suspicious, they suspect that your Emrys. You must tell them soon. Or they will find out their own way."

Merlin nodded, letting his words sink in. He knew he had to tell them. He just didn't know when.

"Bye." He said as he walked out.

Morgana sighed, "Brother, I do not know of your decision. Maybe you should seek answers from Gaius. He would not tell father is you wish him not." Morgana said.

Arthur nodded, knowing Gaius to be wise and most likely have a solution. Arthur could tell by the conflicted look on his sister's face that she didn't know his true heritage. And he wanted to know why Merlin hadn't told Morgana.
He said his thanks to his sister before leaving to Gaius' chambers.

Once he got there he wasn't surprised to see him working on an antidote to some type of sickness.

"Sire," Gaius bowed upon Arthur's enter, stopping what he was doing. "What brings you here?" He asked.

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