Chapter Two. -Camelot.-

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I do not own Merlin.

~A year later.~
Arthur's P.O.V.

Yes, Arthur?

I have good news!

What is it?

I've been crowned prince of Camelot!

Merlin didn't answer.


Y-you're going t-to kill me...

What?! No! I would never do that!

But you live in Camelot...AND your the Prince . When you are king you will have to kill me under the laws of camelot, right?

I don't want to kill Merlin. He is my only friend...

I huffed, crossing my arms.

Well, if it's the laws that are gonna make me kill you Merlin than maybe they should change!

Really?! You'd do that for me?

Yes. This means you can't call me a prat anymore haha.

Well it seems your a royal prat then. Also...What about your father...

I could...maybe convince him?


I walk out of my room and into the throne room where my father is. "Hello, Arthur. What's brought you here?" He asks as I walk in.


"Father..." I say, "If someone was born with magic...are they still evil if they don't hurt anyone on purpose?" I asked, quietly.

Arthur?? What's wrong are you ok??


Ok. I nearly had a heart attack! You prat.


It's fine.

"...Arthur!" I turned my attention to my father. "Sorry father, what did you say?"

"I said, it is impossible for some one to be born of magic and even so, all magic is evil. Every sorcerer will hurt someone eventually."

"But what if we are wrong about magic father?"

"Enough of this! Magic is evil! What kind of spell have you been put under to say such nonsense?"

"None father! I-I just...never mind..." I sighed, defeated.

"Say the Camelot code." He demanded.

I sighed in defeat again. Every time. " Camelot is a land of peace and prosperity. Magic is evil and without the necessary laws camelot would fall. May I go now father?"


I walked back to my chambers.

I don't think I'll be able to convince him. I said miserably in my head.

Why not? What happened?

He made me recite the Camelot code.

What's that?

Camelot is a land of peace and prosperity. Magic is evil and without the necessary laws camelot would fall.

Oh. Well my mum is trying to get my attention got to go now, bye.

Ok. Bye.

~Merlin's P.O.V.~

I saw my mum waving her hand in my face.

"Merlin. Merlin!" She yelled. I looked up. "Yes?"

She sighed, "Merlin were you talking to Arthur again?"

"Yes. Why?" I asked, curious.

"Honey, how can you trust him so much when you don't even know what he looks like?"

"Because, mother. He has always been there for me and I him. When Will is not there he is."


Merlin just sat there, talking to his other friend. But not Will or Arthur. No. His other friend was a girl.

Hi. He said telepathically.

~Five Years Later.~
Third Person P.O.V.

"Merlin, merlin wake up. Come on honey. It's time for you to go to Camelot." Hunith said to her sleeping child.

Merlin jolted up, eyes wide, breathing heavily.  He had had another night mare. Not just any night mare. No. No, this was the same night mare he had every night.

He saw a magical kingdom. With fire everywhere. People dying and fleeing. It was horrific.

But today he was going to be happy! He was going to Camelot! And he was going to see Arthur for the first time! It shouldn't be too hard to find him. He thought to himself. He is the prince after all.

Merlin hadn't told Arthur that he was coming. He'd wanted it to be a surprise.

"Merlin, I'm going to miss you so much!" Hunith exclaimed, pulling him into a tight embrace.

"Mum..." He wheezed, "I can't... breath..."

"Oh. Haha sorry honey." She laughed.

Merlin picked up his bags and left, waving his mum goodbye. Merlin walked for days, taking food and water breaks of course and navigating his way through the forests.

Soon enough he was out of King Cendreds land and on Camelot soil. Merlin smiled, nearing the end of his journey.

He walked over the hill and he gapped in awe. Camelot is beautiful. He thought, walking towards the castle.

Hey guys! I hope you really, really enjoyed this! It took me FOREVER to write this!

Anyway, the next chapter will be up next Saturday probably...I don't know.

Also, sorry about the year changes. I couldn't be bothered writing so much ;-) sorry. I had a VERY big loss of inspiration when writing this. And if your wondering, Arthur didn't tell Merlin that he lived in Camelot and that he was the Prince because he didn't want him to be like the bootlickers!

Kk! So bye now! Cya!

~807 Words.~

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