Chapter Twelve. -The Battle Begins.-

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BBC Owns Merlin!
OMFG! THE LAST CHAPTER YOU GUYS! I'M SO HAPPY I ACTUALLY FINISHED A BOOK FOR ONCE! Also, there will be an epilouge!  I hope you like it...↓

"For the love of Diemai!" The knights yelled as they charged into battle.


"What do we do now Merlin?" Erebal asked. "Who will stay here to make sure no one rings the bell?" Merlin had sung the lullaby to put the whole kingdom to sleep, but it would only last ten minutes. So they still had to be quick and careful.

"You and Gwaine. The rest of us will head to the throne room. That's where Vivian and Sarah are." Merlin said.

Gwaine smirked at the thought of being left alone with Erebal.

Merlin, Elliot, Lance and Arthur set off.

"How do you know that they will be in the throne room?" Lancelot asked.

"Vivian has always been stuck up. He's always wanted to be on the throne. I suppose he'd want to die on it too." Merlin said, darkly. "Sarah on the other hand has always been kind. She never craved power like he did." He sighed.

After fighting many guards the group reached the big wooden doors and pushed them open.

"Ah, dear cousin! Please, do come in!" Vivian laughed evily.

Next to him, his sister sat on the other throne gagged. Dianna far off near the walls. His childhood friend looked relieved to see him. Even though Merlin had loved Freya so, Dianna had always been in his heart, even with memory spell upon him. No spell could make him forget the love he had felt towards her.

"Vivian look at you! Who would gag their own sister?! You've changed Viv. And not for the best. I will have my throne back! And my friends!" Merlin yelled at him.

Vivan growled furiously, "YOUR THRONE?! IT'S MY THRONE! IT WAS MY BIRTHRIGHT! AND YOU, YOU TOOK IT! YOU DESERVE TO DIE!" He launched off the throne and stabbed Merlin right in the heart.

Arthur and the others yelled out his name as he died on the cold stone floor, everything seemed like it was happening in slow motion. Then suddenly it hit Arthur. The spell.

"Mèos teös, Mèos teös, ætta!" He chanted, surprised at how comfortable he was with enchanting.

The world seemed to swirl around Arthur as he watch time reverse. He couldn't believe it! He had actually used magic! And it felt great.

"Viv has always be stuck up. He's always wanted to be on the throne. I suppose he'd want to die on it too." Merlin shrugged. "Sarah on the other hand has always been kind. She never craved power like he did."

"Stop!" Arthur yelled. "Merlin listen! Vivian gagged his sister and Dianna. When you go in there he'll get mad and stab you! You have to make a plan first!" He warned.

Merlin was very confused, "How do you know that?" He asked.

"We don't have time for that! Just make a plan!" He yelled back.

"Alright, alright. How about I use a cloaking spell and untie the girls while you lot talk to Vivain and calm him down to stall him. Then I'll kill him from behind." Merlin planned. Everyone nodded. Even though Merlin had seemed cool, calm and collected with this plan, he was not. He could never imagine killing his own blood...until now anyway. He didn't want to, but he knew that the kingdom needed a better ruler, someone kinder, someone less cruel, someone smarter, they needed him.

Arthur looked behind him, seeing a small dark figure.  "What's wrong?" Elliot asked.

"Nothing. I just thought I saw someone watching us is all." Arthur said, turning back around.

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